The Anti-Rugby Football Thread


Imagine @glasagusban chasing after you with a pair of pom poms and a face of glee.

Iā€™m well aware of the concussion thing Gman and have been reading about it since the Dave Duerson suicide. Iā€™m not denying itā€™s a problem. Rugby players should hopefully avoid the degree of the NFL problem as it doesnā€™t have the same impacts. Whilst impacts arenā€™t the sole causes of concussions and minor things can cause them, rugby tackling fundamentals are much sounder for avoiding them. Not always the case as itā€™s a game and things happen but tackling wise much better if players are doing what theyā€™re taught.

Iā€™m laughing at all the armchair experts we get everytime thereā€™s a game. Particularly funny is the anti rugby football lot who donā€™t watch the game but seem to know all about Sextonā€™s latest.

Iā€™ll listen to Barry Oā€™Driscoll, Iā€™m not listening to George Hook go off on one about it and diagnosing people.

An eminently reasonable stance to take.

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Not to the degree that happens now. He is low profile.

The real spike in this (in Ireland) was after that England game where Oā€™Driscoll came off and back on in 2012/13. It was around then that the NFL were getting a serious going over weekly about it with their new protocols coming in. Thatā€™s when every media outlet started giving weekly attention to it.

John Fogerty was barely noticed.

A damning statement in itself.

Damning of who exactly though?

Whoever cleared him fit or able to play through seriously worrying symptoms which he was showing.

Couple of things;

Rugby has had for donkeys years rules on sitting out after a concussion (3 weeks). No doubt players and coaches did not take this seriously though and would miraculously be back in quick time. Donā€™t think thatā€™s evidence of an institutional cover up, just naivety.

Much of the research into CTE only was undertaken in the 2000s, this research was US focused. Certainly it seems like rugby like many other sports just didnā€™t see it coming until the explosion of interest in this in 2011/2012/2013 in the US and here, Iā€™m not sure you can blame them though. Is there evidence of a massive cover up like there was with the NFL? Were doctors banging down the door of the IRB? Barry Oā€™Driscoll left in 2012. His opinion now should certainly be listened to but it isnā€™t like he or others were screaming this in 07/08/09 when Fogerty would have shipped a lot of concussions.

Is it happening in rugby league to any extent?

I would have thought it was scrummaging and the breakdown thats the real cause of it, tackling caused it in NFL because leading with the head was a type of tackle commonly used, shoulder tackling in union or league shouldnt lead to it

Rugby league banned shoulder charges because of the concussion dangers. And the Mungo Australians love their shoulder charges.

From an article in 2010

Bernard Jackman, who admits to some 20 concussions alone over the last three years, describes the issues surrounding the condition as a time-bomb ready to explode. He accepts personal responsibility in that he never admitted the fact to the Leinster management or medical team and when the incidents occurred, bought himself time on the field to regain his faculties. It is easy to go to ground, holding some other part of your anatomy while trying to recover your senses. The bottom line is that some players do not want to miss matches due to a combination of financial or selection issues. You donā€™t give a rival for your position the opportunity of keeping you out of the team.

but surely Sexton is a seriously concerning case considering how often he has been concussed and also how quickly he comes back playing. Without even a semblance of medical knowledge, that would surely set alarm bells ringing. You seem to be more put out about the people who are commenting on it here rather than the actual comments.

Iā€™d agree about the tackling issue being better and not having helmets decreases head contact, but even in the NFL case, the main subject was a lineman who wouldnt be tackling very often at all, he would have been scrimmaging similar to the front row in the scrum.

I also think the case of the schoolboy who died here after being concussed and was sent back on raised the profile more so than anything. That was a shocking case and even regardless of protocols or concussion knowledge, to send a kid back onto the field in that state was absolutely disgusting.

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Tim would appear to have dug the feet in here purely on the basis of a few lads using the situation of concussion to take a pop at rugby. Its a TFK standard to be fair to him. Jackmans 20 concussion in 3 years would be hilarious if it wasnā€™t so fucking scary. And donā€™t get me started on Brian Oā€™Driscollā€™s ā€˜migrainesā€™.

Nothing to worry about there. Theyā€™ll just pick out a back from Leinsterā€™s famed rugby academy, which is the envy of Europe.

While Leinster pick one out of the Connacht Academy.

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Which backs have Leinster picked out from Connacht?

Holy shit lads. Earls has played 121 time s for munster. In 7or 8 years!!! Heā€™s averaging about 15 games a season. Thatā€™s a savage job!