The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

For the sport to survive the next “World” Cup must be Tag Rugby with each side having to field five female office workers, preferably legal secretaries, accountants, receptionists and economists.


The most beautiful thing, though, is that its drugbys failure to bother with drug testing, the disgusting practice of pumping up school kids with a product which is now suspected of possibly causing the death of its biggest star, the outdated macho principles regarding how the pastime is played, and the head in the sand mentality regarding a PED crisis at every level which have all effectively caused the pastime to pretty much commit suicide. By accident. :smiley:

Thick cunts.

The fact that its abominably boring and shit is merely an aside.


Bunch of hand wringing cunts that signed that letter all the same.

Did the Boob Job “doctor” sign it?


Interesting, the boys on here are so desperate for rugby football to go away that they would prefer a widespread ban on the sport rather than any natural move away from the sport. You boys are rattled.

Are you concussed ?

Well what we’d really prefer is cunts like you driven into the sea, but sure one thing at a time.


Gilroy is seething about this article on rugby.

Rugby is on the way out in Ireland, I’ve noticed a 90% decrease in chat about it in work since before the six nations draw to Wales :ronnyroar:

Look at the Munster attendances, the golden generation are long gone, and what’s coming through doesn’t seem to be up to it at all.

People forget when Ireland were shite at rugby pre 2000, barely anyone spoke about the game. People did in Limerick fair enough, but the club game is long dead, with no grass roots the code is fucked now.


There’s a post to warm the heart.


It’s the truth mate. In Limerick anyway I dunno about the pale. The masses won’t follow a losing team who they can’t identify with.

If you’re not competitive in a sport without any hometown representation or familiarity as such, they are going to be proper fucked in 5 years time, as in bankruptcy.

The Limerick Hurlers are an exceptional bunch to keep supporters in tow.


We love hurling in limerick Harry, we also love association football…we’re not that successful at either unfortunately but it doesn’t stop us loving the games.

Hopefully from a Hurling point of view, things are beginning to change.

There is an unbelievable hurling community across the county of Limerick and it’s prospering at the moment the right way from underage up.

Our day will come.

Edit: and when it does it will put Munster’s victory in the Heinken Cup firmly back in it’s box.


It’s coming soon buddy. I can feel it in me waters.

The hooley when it happens is gonna be off the charts.

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I suspect, much like the death of man united, it will be death by a thousand cuts, rather than a large rangers type death. Enjoy it nonetheless.

I was actually referring to the hurling. I personally won’t be celebrating the demise of Munster Rugby Inc., though I will feel vindicated.

Christ, its worse than I feared so.

What is it that you fear, buddy?

Nevermind mate, I hope you get your day. Truly. 2017.