The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

The rugby crowd have been having a moan after every six nations game this year. They’d sicken your hole at their inability to take a beating. They were beaten by 11 points for fuck sake.


They’ve had a bad weekend in fairness, they thought they could tip over to Twickers and and it would still be FG country when they got back

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True enough. It wouldn’t be like the GAA crowd to whinge for a generation or two either.
We are bad in general about taking a beating. Mind you I was chatting to a kiwi the last day who was still complaining about a decision that went against them two world cups ago.
Fagan’s point is absolutely correct though. The rugby crowd blame everything on the ref and whine and whine about it. And they would indeed sicken your hole with it.
England were by far the better team yesterday.

The crowd do alright, it’s the same crowd who moaned a bit too long about Henry though.

You should have heard Michael Corcoran, Alan Quinlan and Bob Casey crying about the referee on the radio yesterday.

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Was that who it was, Bob Casey? Jesus he’s some slow sounding cunt, almost as slow thinking as he is moving it appears.

They were the same the day of the French game. Squealing like pigs.

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I had the misfortune to be inflicted with Sunday Sport on RTE Radio when travelling home from a GAA match a couple of weeks ago. It was the Sunday Ireland played Wales and that Corcoran chap was incredibly biased, truculent and downright juvenile. Obviously the national broadcaster in an international game will usually favour their side but he was so petty and childish. Little, throw-away jibes at the referee in the midst of commentary again and again and again. For example, “Sean O’Brien is tackled (and you don’t have to roll away if you’re wearing red today), ball recycled to Murray (despite Welsh hands in the ruck) and he involves Sexton (who’s tackled around the head but that’s not illegal today depending on which team does it)”. He came across as a cunt of epic proportions and the co-commentators were really tiring of his whinging and actually defended the referee and outright disagreed with him. He’d then make a smug/dismissive comment and go onto the next phase of commentary complete with the same moaning again. A cunt.


There’s that word “brave” again :laughing:


The Sindo* today has the following headline…

“Brave Ireland run out of road.”

Conor O’Shea started his piece with “Ireland were heroic at times in defeat” before later adding it was “a wonderfully brave performance” and “given our injuries it was a great performance” :smile:

Hopefully Ewan McKenna will cut loose this week and call out these plucky losers yet again.

*fell off the back of a bread van and landed on the couch.


They weren’t heroic. They were fucking useless. Again.

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Smugby runs on battle metaphors. Sport for upper middle class in red-top headlines


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Start of the end game for rugby as they will start to lose insurance cover, any injury will involve liability


Will it be drove underground? Maybe we could see it treated like badger baiting or the like? Underground communities where D4 types get tipped off a day in advance and they all rumble up in their 4x4’s for a good ol ruck in some backwater in the Wicklow mountains?


They will rail against it like big tobacco in the 60s

any board of management of a school that doesn’t ban it now is foolhardy and staring down a lawsuit

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Somewhere, Tom Humphries is smiling.

God bless the man.

Be hard see the smile through that beard.

Jelly and ice cream when rugby dies :ronnyroar: