The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Rugby Player tells Mom of 4 to Fuck Right Off
Concussed nephew said to be suicidal after hearing news


You just need to work in Water Charges and you are pressing all the buttons

Speaking earlier, Bressie commented …

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He just needs a deranged Cork narcissist to fix him. Preferably one who has scribbled all over herself and has spent a night in hospital nearly dead.


Watch it

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Rugby as expected adopts the big tobacco defence of

rugby is not dangerous

Ok it is a little bit dangerous

Everything is dangerous

Rugby has got a 10-33 good buddy.

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Kelly Mongan and the Moyross rap crew all people who Bressie took advantage of on RTE right now in the Shannon RFC clubhouse alongside Thomond Park on RTE2.

You could’nt make it up.

The code is in freefall well over a year as I’m fairly sure this is a repeat.

Former rugby international Dr Mick Molloy was on Matt Cooper’s show this evening to talk about all the other sports and how daily activities are as dangerous. Whilst there is certainly a Helen Lovejoy reaction to the whole rugby tackling and concussion, they certainly don’t help themselves by looking everywhere else as if to say “nothing to see here, sure everything is bad”. A bit of acknowledgment to the dangers and acceptance of it and ways to try negate that would be a much better approach. You can only worry about your own house and how it handles things, trying to deflect is just stupid. Current internationals telling people to fuck right off is hardly constructive debate about it either.



The reason Rugby is getting such stick is because Coaches or mentors have sent clearly badly injured players back onto pitches. You would wonder if these schools matches have proper medical support on the sidelines?

I saw a lad from our club get concussed during a match last year, scary fucking incident & thankfully we had an experienced physio with us to take care of him. Still see teams at Junior games arriving with no physio which is mental considering what can & could go wrong during a match.

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People have ever denied that rugby can be dangerous if not taught properly.

People are saying that petitions such as the above are utter bollix.

Fuck all people are effected by long term damage from playing rugby. The benefits vastly outweigh the problems.

The pro level is something that still needs to be fully seen, we’ve only been there for 20 years yet.

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Matt cooper is a cunt


In most normal places, any self respecting junior team will spend an hour on the morning of a championship game pucking a ball around the church car park whilst they try and press gang a centre back, a midfielder and two corner forwards.
Only in rural Tipp, where once the cousins have gone to mass, there is nothing else to pursue, would a junior team turn up with a physio in tow.


I think you are over exaggerating the role of a “physio” there.

Kinda expected these days though Flatty, at all grades, and rightly so.

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The only way you’d have a physio is if he happened to be playing half forward.


Jaysus. You could expect away over here.

Ah that’d be different over there flatty, shur yer lucky to even have pitches or jerseys!

Agreed. Our current pitch is a yard under water and has been all winter. The small corner above sea level is covered in dog shite, and the cunts in the council are still trying to charge for it.

Tisn’t physios you need, tis qualified doctors.

Lifeguards we need.

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