The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Fucking animals

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thats actually quite upsetting reading that

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That guys very identifiable. The Old Bill will have him in days.

Mick Galwey will be wheeled out to provide character references for those two, no doubt.

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NZ and Australian rugby is beset by a number of structural problems. The Super Rugby franchises have never really paid for themselves despite even 10 years ago the Waratahs getting 30k to games. The structure of the competition is bananas, there is no other competition is world sport which demands that its fans have to regularly change their sleeping habits for to follow. That breeds disinterest.

It’s easier to follow Super Rugby from the northern hemisphere than it is in Australia or New Zealand. The big jump in tv money is from Sky Sports up here.

They rely on the top of the pyramid like in Ireland but we have the money spinner in the 6 Nations. New Zealand have the All Blacks brand. If Australia aren’t world champions then what do they have to sell? They built up a huge rep from the Grand Slam tour to the early 2000s dominating the NH sides, winning the Bledisloe regularly and lots of trophies but in the last 15 years countries like Ireland beat them regularly.

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Also it’s a shit sport and not popular in Australia



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He also forgot to mention the lack of a motorway between Limerick and Cork

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Games in South Africa and Argentina either kick off in the middle of the night there or the very early morning.

Sky here love Super Rugby as it gives them live content from half 8 in the morning until 1 in the afternoon. Then they have South African games on in the afternoon.

Bledisloe Cup 2003-2015
Total Games: 35
NZL: 27 wins (77%)
AUS: 6 wins (17%)
2 draws

Bledisloe Cup 1992-2003
Total Games: 25
NZL: 14 (56%)
AUS: 11 (44%)

Brought the little ladies to a “playcafe” in stradbrook (blackrock rugby club) today and we went for a stroll around the pitches to get some fresh air as the weather was nice for a change. There were a few underage games on but we weren’t there for 5 minutes before one of the games had to be stopped due to a nasty looking neck / back injury to one of the players. It wasn’t long before the medics were present with the stretcher and neck brace.

Does this thing happen on a regular basis at underage rugby matches? The patrons didn’t seem overly concerned and I hope it was just a precaution but it definitely helped to make my mind up on which sport I’ll be discouraging my son from playing if I ever have one

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No, they don’t.

Christ have issues with pamper parties but think its ok to take kids to a rugby club


Fair point

I’ll be very disappointed if you don’t hit 10 likes for this one by 10am.

Italy prop Martin Castrogiovanni has been suspended by his club Racing 92 after pictures of him partying in Las Vegas surfaced on social media over the weekend with Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

The 34-year-old is said to have told Racing that he could not play in their Champions Cup semi-final clash with Leicester Tigers as he had a family matter to attend to in Argentina.



Nice of Zlatan to tag along on the flight from Paris.

Is that not like a Champions League semi final to them? :joy:

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