The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

It is . Or in GAA equivalent. A junior B league opener.

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Martin Castrogiovanni knows

Wait, is that really Zlatan?! I thought it was some lookalike! :grinning:

Thatā€™d be a grand aul party to be at Iā€™d sayā€¦


Directly above the photo reads:
Italy prop Martin Castrogiovanni has been suspended by his club Racing 92 after pictures of him partying in Las Vegas surfaced on social media over the weekend with Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

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Why the fuck would Zlatan be partying with a rugby player, I figured it was some sort of clickbait.

Some crack had at that party all the same Iā€™d say.

The PSG boys went to Vegas for a few days to celebrate their French cup win.

Beats a Monday night in Coppers which was what we tended to do.

The pool party with Tiesto would be off the hook off the chain alright.


It takes a special type of person (or one with numerous bangs to the head) to think that they could ā€˜hideā€™ in Vegas with Zlatan and the entire PSG team

Iā€™d imagine not one fuck was given.

Apart from the leftovers he picked up as eagerly as a hanger on at a Leonardo Dicaprio pool party.

An archetypal example of a professional athlete there

Lads would be giving Richie McCarthy, an amateur, dogs abuse, and that fat cunt a ā€œprofessionalā€ fucks off to a pool party instead of playing in the semi finals of biggest competition in European club rugby. :joy:

Frano is scathing in his criticism of the rebranded ā€œEuropean Champions Cupā€ today.

Thinly veiled itā€™s shit with us Irish lads.

Castrogiovanni could find himself acceptable for the Celeb spotting thread if he keeps this up

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@backinatracksuit could find himself acceptable for the next IOTM thread if he keeps this up

Iā€™m humbled by your kind words Blake but I know full well that Iā€™ll need to serve my time before I could be considered for one of TFKā€™s highest honours, itā€™s the crĆØme de la crĆØme over there.

This tit


Spoiler that obscenity Tim ffs.

Nice of him to make the effort to fit in with the locals. Surprised heā€™s not carrying a pike really.