The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

They’ve fuck all to be worrying if so.

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The Dunkin’ Donuts Stadium /Bowl has a nice ring to it.

Would they give us a million a year? Doesn’t bother me in the slightest what it’s called. Will always be known as Thomond anyway

They said that about Landsdowne too, but it’s all Aviva Stadium now

In the media maybe. Plus it was a “new build” so slightly different

If I was in marketing I’d tie Foley name into it somehow and kill off every utterance of negativity from the word go

Everyone calls it the Aviva now, Dunkin.

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I don’t.


You’re a nobody


I’m a trend setter.

I liked how you said Munster rugby currently has Soul as well pal. Your growing every day

Means a lot

Hitler had a soul.

You’ve taken the word soul in some sort of Judeo/Christian sense here, mate. I wasn’t saying they had something good, but rather selling something that makes up their very fabric. Everything has a ‘soul’ - an essence - Including mass murderers. Munster are selling theirs.

you prefer to call it after a unionist landlord because you are a vile servile lickspittle cunt
I hate you


Welcome back, pal.



I knew that it would have been that prick @horsebox who would be the person that drove me to being a cunt again


No, just no.

Call the training centre after him.

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:clap: happy to be of service, old bean.

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I know little enough but wouldn’t Stander be a starter for his own country, Pyne wouldn’t be far away would he.

This shit is as stupid as the tennis, most of the soccer lads don’t give two fucks about their nana’s Sligo ancestry, the double standards on here are hilarious.


thinly veiled “James Connolly was a shortbread munching Scotchman”

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