The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Is that not what a concussion is? Damage to the brain?

No pal. It’s a brain injury. Not brain damage necessarily. But I’m sure you know that.

In a piece on mixed ability rugby on rte radio, a cork contributor said that the players “did not want to play at pulling strings off shorts”

An injury is damage, mate… Once you injure an area it is damaged and more likely to get injured again.

So your dick didn’t work the other night so is it damaged and likely to suffer further damage?


Loads of mixed ability teams popping up around the place now. There is a world cup this year

We all heard about your erectile dysfunction. It’s OK pal.

Some serious deflecting and over-reaching here, mate. Every part of my body functions perfectly… you’re trying to defend inflicting brain damage on kids here.

Ya we sent one of them to Scotland last weekend.


I’m actually defending these kids from nasty fuckers calling them brain damaged pal.

I’m stating fact - they have had a brain injury - their brain is damaged.

Are you saying it is fact that these 14 year olds have brain damage?

Their brain has been damaged, yes. I can’t comment on the lasting effects tho.


That’s stage 20 type stuff…

You’re wasted in your chosen field :clap:

He’s a Dr

We know

I don’t see what the issue is here - a concussion is a traumatic brain injury which damages the brain. The more of them you have the higher the risk of permanent long turn brain damage. It’s bizarre this has to be explained.