The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

Joe hasn’t had to speak about the poor selection last week, shit performance, Sexton injury etc. Why? Coz he never shut up about the bus. Why do you think the press are seething…they have got fuck all out of him again. He despises the media IMO and feeds them consistent bullshit around injuries. They are getting sick of him now though

He’s a prick. He and Stander can FRO.

Schmidt out.

Us Limerick men demand excellence.

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Would you consider sacrificing a panel member in a pagan ritual to ensure obedience going forward?

I’d sacrifice 5 of the latte drinkers to bring back Nash.

How about a hipster snowflake supporter as well? We can make this happen.

We only had one of those. And he fucked off to Cork following skirt.

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Give him my number, pal.

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PM will be fine

Dose of the trots doing the rounds within Irish Rugby squad in Rome. At least they’re well used to shitting themselves and should recover quick enough.


were Ireland not expected to win handsomely today?

They were pal

That is the sort of annoying headline then that does rugby no favours and confirms a view that media build up this team in a way they don’t other teams/sports.


I’m not big up on rugby but they looked very good today against an admittedly shit team but one that’s caused us a few problems before, we were 22-23 point favourites beforehand which a fair few ‘experts’ considered to be too much. I’d imagine the result will have given them a boost of sorts before the tough matches coming up, win the first one (France I assume by the new @ChocolateMice avatar?) and things could start to look up again.

I hope O Shea got big money there, cos hes at nothing. Parisse is a beaten docket to boot.

Fuck all to do with rugby take it up with the media mate sounds like it’s them who you have a problem with

They were 2/50 on to win it

Calm down


50/2 on.
Did your bookie never do fractions in school?

I’m calm as fuck mate, I couldn’t really care less.