The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

In fairness to RTÉ they’ve secured the sub licence rights to show all of Ireland’s games in the women’s RWC.

I dont know the stats mate. There is literally no escaping the thing. Its torture.

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If lads could actually tell they were women they probably wouldn’t watch it.

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Lot of sweep sweeping going on here about the LOI figures.

Surely ta fuck if they were bigger than the ladies rugby figures ewan would have spit em out. I know for a definite fact if there was any evidence these LOI games were drawing more than 166k average on a Friday night a few of the Google kings around here would have 40 links posted already.

I have fuck all interest in women’s rugby but Ewans argument is blown out of the water really if its drawing 2 1/2 times the average figures for the LOI games shown in the same slot? And that’s whilst competing with a munster game also being shown free to air at same time

Did you actually watch the woman’s match?

Why are you so eager to compare figures for an international sport like women’s rugby to the tv figures for something like the LOI? Makes no sense whatsoever.

Same as it would be daft to compare the audience figures for the Ireland men’s team to something like Peamount ladies.

A much better comparison would be compare the attendances at league of Ireland games to AIL matches.

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It was ewan brought it up take it up with him. Compared solely as in same slot on a Friday night. He claimed couldn’t justify showing on a Friday night…grand…but can’t justify showing a sport with less than half the viewing appeal either then

Hi Ewan

Schmidt still moaning about the bus last week. Mugged off in the Indo today.

We thought we’d heard the last of bus-gate, that Ireland would have parked the issue that has somehow come to dominate the agenda in the wake of their defeat to Scotland last weekend, but just as it seemed the focus could switch to Italy Joe Schmidt raised it once again of his own volition at Carton House yesterday.

Asked about preventing another slow start this weekend the coach once again brought up his team’s delayed arrival at Murrayfield which came about because, according to the Irish management, the local police took the bus on a different route than they had previously used.

We would never have known about the bus had it not been for Schmidt bringing it up repeatedly after Saturday’s match, and while again he insisted that being re-routed to the stadium is not an excuse for the poor performance that followed, by again raising it unprompted the head coach is leaving himself open to the accusation of a lack of introspection after one of the most disappointing results of his tenure to date.

“It’s incredibly disappointing the way we started. It wasn’t apathy, it was just anxiety with not having the full period to warm up,” he said.

“Players get anxious, they are routine-based but I do think it is a challenge for a professional player that they can become adaptable,” he said when asked about avoiding a slow start once again in Rome.

Schmidt and his coaching team have largely laid the responsibility for last week’s false start at the door of the players and their disjointed warm up.

The head coach said that the team had stewed on the disappointment of losing to Scotland for 48 hours, but it was clear from yesterday’s team announcement that the healing process has yet to be completed.

And his chief concern at this stage must be how fragile his squad are if a delay of fewer than 15 minutes can throw them off their rhythm.

Bizarrely, he later claimed not to have mentioned the bus incident when asked why he had brought the issue up again. He hadn’t said the word, but the implication was clear.

“I’m not sure that I’ve mentioned the bus at all,” he said to a somewhat bemused audience. "It’s not an excuse but it’s something that’s a good challenge for us. It’s good to be challenged, even in our preparation, and be adaptable and be able to cope with it.

"One of the solutions for us is to be put in positions where we feel a bit of insecurity and a little bit of pressure and be able to cope.

"Unless you get put in those positions, unless you’re put out of your routine, you don’t know how you’re going to cope.

"I don’t think there’s a team that’s never in transition because that’s a permanent.

"In any sporting environment there’s transition, whether it be short-term because somebody’s injured or long-term because somebody’s retired and there’s someone new coming in to take their spot.

“Therefore you’re always trying to build those combinations because I think rugby is incredibly interdependent. If you’re defending or attacking you’re incredibly reliant on somebody else doing their job for you to be able to do your job. So that’s a continual challenge for coaches and players in any team.”

Although he said there is an effort in camp to change things up and shock players out of their comfort zones to ensure that issues like the bus delays don’t upset them again.

“We certainly do it, but the one thing I would say that, you know, by the end of training the players pretty much take over and their rhythm is what they determine is their best preparation,” he said.

"You’ve got some great experience there and in the end they have to play the game and make the decisions, they have to cope with the atmosphere and the pressure and the physical nature of the game and still make really good decisions under those conditions.

"So I think it’s really important that they lead themselves.

“The coaching staff have a huge amount of confidence in them. There are very few times in my three and a half years doing this job that we’ve started sluggishly like that.”

So, it’s over to the players to make sure it doesn’t happen again. And the bus driver of course.

He’s not the only manager rattled this week though is he fuckwit

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He is a horrible cunt

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What’s your point, caller?

JK is 100% right to call out anyone who abuses amateurs in a pre season match in January - or at any time really.

World of difference for supposedly one of the best coaches in world rugby to be using a 15 minute bus delay on an embarrassing defeat to a pub team.

Also - wasn’t Ian “Keats” Keatley jeered off in a match last season and Munster were forced into issuing a statement advising their fans how to conduct themselves? Bit rich of you to raise Kiely’s comments (which are totally justified) then.

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Sweep Sweep

That’s a clamping.

Limerick sports fan shaming themselves again. Didn’t they throw a can at someone on here once as well?

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Scumbags… the lads shushing fellas up down the pub must have been seething


+1. It now seems that there’s no low Limerick sports fan won’t stoop to, between this and their backguarding of their players in that Hurling match against Cork, I shudder to think what’s next to come.

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Overcoming major trauma like a 15 minute bus delay should stand them in good stead going forward in life.
I’m sure the psychologists have been working overtime all week to minimise the PTSD.
Fuck me.


8 minutes. Vern rattled the absolute fuck out of Schmidt. He knew how precise he was and he completely fucked him over with a simple aul shenanigan. Schmidt is fucking seething.