The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Kimmage tweet deleted ?

Omerta is a cool word

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Donā€™t think so.

The original tweet he responded to was deleted

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Was a bit of an overreaction by kimmageā€¦some eejit tweeted a pic of stander stats and was giving it a ā€œwhat do ya think of that joe brollyā€ type tweetā€¦kimmage straight back in two footed aimed square at the lads knee :joy:

Iā€™d say he had to delete the tweet his phone was probably going bannanas with the notifications

If you wade into a public forum, unprompted, with a dumb and irrelevant point aimed at a notoriously cantankerous individual, you deserve two footed lunge of a response.


I see there was a number of Irish arrests in Rome, including one hooligan who tried to grab a police manā€™s gun.

Italian security personnel have a long history of giving their guns to the winning side . Our fan engaged in a bit of bants on this inconvenient truth .

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Kilcoyne didnā€™t take kindly to it.

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Typical rugby mentality.

Nevermind Kilcoyne , his mother would be far more wicked.

Has that been deleted since?

Yep. Kimmage deleted his and it seems so did others.

Kilcoyne is a meathead. He was in The Icon the night of the Racing match pissed off his head and trying everything with a pulse.

Kimmage is a top WUM. Heā€™d be a welcome addition to TFK.

Was he a good ride?

Kimmage didnā€™t delete his tweet as far as I can tell. The chap whose tweet he replied to seems to have deleted his one. Just looking at the replies to Kimmageā€™s tweet there and thereā€™s an incredible amount of abuse and bile directed at him. That tallies with the reports I read about Munster supportersā€™ aggressive behaviour in Glasgow recently. Whoā€™s the Kilcoyne fella?

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Irish rugby seems to attract a very scummy element. A few thousand of them over in Rome and they couldnā€™t get through it without an attempted terrorist attack


Kilcoyne is a Munster and Ireland prop.

Its amazing how abusive regular Joeā€™s can get to someone with a profile on twitter alright. Kimmage is an alright sort, if a bit deranged at times, his heart is in the right place.

I hope you never have dealings with a Munster rugby supporter, mateā€¦ They are violent psychopaths who could turn on you in an instant.