The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

I’ve been physically attacked by several of them.

Couldn’t tell you pal, it was a non TFK acquaintance - himself a mess - who provided me with a breakdown of Kilcoyne’s antics.

I doubt he got much of a say in it, no arguments about who the pitcher and catcher would in that one I’d say

Did Kilcoyne at least call him after?

Could they not just meet in the Phoenix park for a duel and sort it out. That seems to be the way for internet warriors.

He might have poked him on twitter.

I hope there was no jackalling in the war room.

Fucksake. Is no one safe from these bastards!?

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Just two hours ago I witnessed a guy in a Munster Hoodie get out of a car and bate the bollix off some poor simpleton.

How do you know he was a simpleton? I mean, wasn’t our very own @Bandage also beaten up by these hoodlums ?

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He spoke like a simpleton. He also picked up his bike and tried to strike one of the hoodlums with it.

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The Munster lads picking on some randomer with a bike because of Kimmage … They are psychotic bastards, no one is safe.


I hadn’t made the link, but obviously you’re right.
Kimmage has the Munster lads seething.


Is that fat jovial fucker Shane Lowry involved somehow?

I haven’t uncovered links to him yet, but he’s clearly in the mix.

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That’s whats known around these parts as playing to the gallery!! Ha ffs

Your a noted poor judge of character ref: mce McCabe.

Giving a fella shit for trying his arm in a nightclub jesus fucking wept. TFK had a private table outside the women’s jacks in coppers ffs

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Kimmage deleted the original tweet? Odd. Was just a bit of hi jinks

Correct. No reports of fixing nuns cars or being the best fans in the world or watching where in the world on YouTube :joy:


Kimmage is as sound a man as what’s around the place. Just a bit mad as you said


It was a world away from such innocent japes alright. By all accounts it was the type of orange on orange aggression you’d expect at Tynecastle when Sevco come to visit.