The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

So the second table proves the point that Missus Browns Boys is more popular than Rugby. Thanks for that.

We are through the looking glass.


We were talking about rugby as a whole here, you can’t pick and choose.

You’ll need to get us the figures for the 3 years prior to the world cup so, you can’t just cherry pick the stats which suit you.

Cheers mate. Thanks for proving my point. What did you throw up the old chart there for?

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All top 20s collated from 2012-2016.

Gross Rugby: 10,389
Gross MBBs: 9,051

Additionally, bare in mind that MBB’s often would have been shown on RTÉ before the BBC, meaning that the simulcast problem that sport faces (all the figures are Irish alone, ignoring Irish viewers of BBC/ITV/Sky for sports) doesn’t exist for MBBs.

Interesting regarding sports; there were 16 GGA programmes that appeared in the top 20 during that period, 13 rugby football games and just 11 association football games. When you divide the GGA into football and hurling you have 11 football and 5 hurling; meaning rugby football is the clear winner over the 5 years between all sports. Bravo rugby football.


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Fixed that bit for you there on your previous post there Fagan, seeing as we’re all being so helpful.

Did RTE show 5 rugby games this past weekend between u20, womens and 6n?

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How many did TG4 show?

They certainly did, a great weekend of rugby.

I don’t know, I guess two with one each on Friday & Saturday evenings?

Dance @Tim_Riggins dance.

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This rain man dances to the beat of his own drum Balbec, don’t fuck with me on tv ratings.

What’s the exact science for working out tv ratings, mate?

It’s the same worldwide. Someone like Nielsen have a sample of boxes distributed throughout a broad demo of households and tabulate the data received, now including streaming figures as well.

The rugby matches are international.
The GAA matches feature two counties, so the GAA has actually far out performed the rugby given the number of neutrals who watch GAA.


And would they have to be tuned in for a certain period of time to be considered a hit?

Also, @Rocko is this new :smile:

Consider replying to more people

You’ve already replied 3 times to @Tim_Riggins in this particular topic.

Have you considered replying to other people in the discussion, too? A great discussion involves many voices and perspectives.

If you’d like to continue your conversation with this particular user at length, send them a personal message.


Get a room you two :male_couplekiss: