The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

That was lazy from FOD. Its a Monday, go easy.

Does your second table not prove his point?

Also show’s fans have more interest in a friendly than a real “tist”.

Friendly = Test
Test = Friendly

By the way, the real story this morning should be how Lions Captain favourite Dylan Hartley doesn’t know the rules of rugby.

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Does anybody really know the rules?


It proves concussion is a far bigger problem than they’re letting on. Players no longer know the rules of the game. Their brains are mush from all the collisions. I might be wrong but did one of them say “are those my feet?” to the ref shortly after asking him about the rules.

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The refereee being miked up was a giveaway

Conor O’Shea said the referee against Wales didn’t know the rules either. You’d hope the refs would know

Conor seems to.


Brendan Ventner.

Ah Brendan. An interviewers dream.

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In your second table more people watched Mrs Brown than Irish Rugby internationals.

Mrs Brown Boys is rated higher than NZ vs Ireland which was apparently the biggest Rugby game ever. There’s two missus Browns boys rated higher than the 6 nations FFS.

In the first table, 3 of the top 5 programmes were rugby matches. Those 3 outrated two MBBs. 2 further rugby fixtures out rated another MBBs.

In 2016 one MBBs episode out rated a rugby test, a rugby test out rated another MBBs and then another 2 rugby tests came in above MBBs.

So for the data on the whole rugby clearly out rated MBBs.

Who said that?

They were world cup tournament fixtures, a break from the norm.
In the regular course of events, Mrs Brown Boys rates better than the Six Nations.

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