The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Barnes is a pedantic wanker, but he was right about Rory bests try.
Even the boards snowflakes admitted it.

Not a rule. Was a trial that wasn’t implemented after.

Which you probably know because the lad you have quoted on twitter there confirmed as much about 2 tweets later

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Barnes is a v good ref. Much better than nigel Owens.

The girls in green doing well at the storied Cardiff Arms Park .

It was the Millennium and they end up losing.



What is it with rugby players not knowing the rules to the game?


Most of the Catholic ones like Henshaw grew up playing Gaelic Football which is why their ball handling and kicking is so good, but unfortunately the trade off is that they were not immersed in the rules of rugby from an early age.

Is he a professional ?

Irish rugby is in such a state they had a player from the women’s team on the Morning Ireland telling them how they could fix things

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They had a lady rugby player on the radio Saturday as well with helpful advice for the men as well. In fairness the ladies showed the men how to get the job done in Wales at the weekend.


Don’t be getting lippy… Henshaw. Is he a professional rugby player? If he is and he doesn’t know the rules to the game he is being paid to play he should be reprimanded. Is that not how it is in any job?

Bunch of creatine filled gym monkeys the lot of them… No doubt the press match reports were filled with language such as heroic, brave, warriors etc etc - It’s time they tested the IQ levels of some of these egg chasers.

No one knows the rules mate. Bit unfair to single him out for that.

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Busted flush Joe Schmith in the Indo today saying how a “top half finish would still represent a decent return.”

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Some achievement to finish ahead of Italy in fairness.

Some fella from Westmeath getting the chance to make something of himself by earning a few bob running after a ball. Good on him. Cant even imagine what his other options in life were.

Stade Francais and Racing 92 to merge. Seems strange.

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