The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

all of the negative ones


He also mugged himself off with a horse. Training fees went unpaid, trainer took back ownership of the horse and 6 months later the horse went on to win a race worth over 100k

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Is that picture inside in a Subway ??

Thats the dead trendy new SportsJoe Pod studio pal.

Jesus but McGarry has a face you’d never grow tired of slapping.

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No , I reckon the cunts are flogging Meatball subs .

Are you the fella who had the hardon for Quiznos and Subways on here before?


I know stuff about him but I can’t say it on a public forum.

I’ll tell you next time I see you.

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No , not gone on them at all TBH . once every few months I do a sub .

Glad to inform the forum that their website has cost them a fuck load of money


The Irish one must have as well surely? I wonder should he cut back on his grooming budget, yknow, just in case?

Great news.

Bernard Sackedman

Ronan O’Goner


Hardly a surprise he’s good mates with a well known jockey who’s a money hungry cunt

Moanin o gara.

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A good pal of mine who I Have not seen since the All Blacks victory in Chicago is home for this and has invited me along to the Aviva.

I will go along. Catching up over a few beers is what rugby is all about.

I declined to go to the legends game as I have tickets for the club finals and have no intention of going on the piss in Dublin on Paddys Day.