The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Argentina usually flatline these bastardsā€¦

Young Kiwis have always played football as it is such a simple and great game.

But it will continue to be the way that they will drop it for rugby, league and cricket in their teens in big numbers as those games are culturally bigger there.

I had a chat with a few Kiwi guys playing at the Milk Cup a few years back on it, they were disgusted with the treatment that football gets there from the the powers that be and the 4th estate.

The 66% playing rugby from 6 to 10 is the interesting one and why they are just better a rugby.

I see Rory Best couldnt even organise a piss up for last Sunday, fuck sake.

whatā€™s a kiwi guy?


this needy cunt


He hates Gaelic Football so he canā€™t be all bad.

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He played Gaelic football for Clontarf. Wasnā€™t brave enough for the hurling though.

Iā€™m not sure anyone has suggested EPO is a steroid, but in case of any confusion, its not. Itā€™s a synthetic version of a naturally occurring hormone that regulates production of red blood cells. Itā€™s a wonder drug for those with anemia or conditions that impair red blood cell production, and yes, its used for AIDs patients.

I know what epo is.
We were discussing steroids.
Read two posts above mine.

What are you asking me to clarify then?
Thereā€™s a big difference between steroids used for treating inflammation and anabolic steroids. Steroids covers a huge range of biochemicals, including vitamin D and cholesterol.

I know. Never mind.


Surprised you didnā€™t take the anti drugs high moral ground with your mates. You usually squeal like a pig at doping stories.


Yeah I am aware of some people who go to London for regular hgh. Seems to be about looking better rather than sporting performance.

I was also told that metformin will become more and more usual for its off licence anti aging benefits.

Itā€™s cheating that bothers me. Otherwise, each to their own.

I hope that you let them know in no uncertain terms that you disapprove of their behaviour.

How about I let you know in no uncertain terms that youā€™re a squarehead pikey cunt?


Stage 3/4

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Would you go for a pint with Lance Armstrong ?

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Indeed I would.