The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

So are you juiced up now?

I’m tempted. Just to see what difference it would make on the bike. My hb is always low 12, so right at, or below the normal limit.
I don’t compete in anything.
I probably won’t. Herself would go utterly ballistic.

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Did they say what was the safest form of roid? - Lot’s of studies being done on roids these days showing how wrong we were and how little we know about the good they can do. Regulation around them are going to change in a big way due to cosmetics - Steriods are gonna help push us well over the 100 year life mark as a norm.

Yerra gwan, be grand. Imagine the machine you’ll be in the sack as well? She’ll be delighted.

The obvious drawback is that she’d have to let me at her first.

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I’ll ask on Friday.
I think that hgh is more likely to be of benefit that steroids. I’d be very wary of steroids. If you take exogenous steroids, my understanding is that it can knock your own ones right out of whack.
From a sporting view, I think hgh, steroids and training need to be used in harmony for maximum benefit.

I’d add that 100 years of life is a bad thing on every front if you’re sitting in your own piss in a home.
The aim should be extended quality, not quantity of life.

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Ah yeah - As they are they are dangerous but I can see the drug industry really investing in them going forward - It will be the cosmetic industry that will drive this… Don’t steroids combat HIV/Aids? - We haven’t unlocked their true potential.


No they don’t. They combat inflammation. They could be extremely counter productive if used to fight any infection I’d imagine. They might have their place, but only in tandem with anti-virals, and in the hands of an expert I’d think.
I’m sure @anon7035031 could clarify.

I found myself getting a bit angry on Paddy’s Day, talking about how there’s almost a perception of… Some lady met me getting on to a plane and said “Hey will you get those lads to do a bit of hard work this week?”, and there was steam coming out of my ears.

We are a nation of five and a half or six million people. It’s our fourth choice sport. And yet we’re fourth in the world. God knows what the playing numbers are in England, or in New Zealand. Australia, I think they’re still the fourth choice sport themselves, but for us to be a top seed for a pool in a World Cup in absolutely monumental.

It’s an inadvertent compliment, the stick. You’ve got to look at it that way. It’s hard to, but it absolutely is. Because now, no form of mediocrity or below par performance is acceptable.

We’re not far off peaking out, we’re really not.

Are we ever going to be at the consistent level of New Zealand? No we’re not. I just don’t think we are. Because I don’t think fundamentally we have the groundwork done in our players. I don’t think we’ve got the depth of players, I don’t think we’ve the player numbers to be able to facilitate that level of competition and to drive the standards that high.

And unless we decide to give up our other sports, particularly Gaelic Football, and pool all those resources into rugby, I don’t think we can ever get to that point. It’s an obsessive point that they have down there. We don’t have that. We love it, but we’re not obsessed by rugby.

football is more popular than rogbee in NZ. Gaelic isn’t in the top 5 sports in Oireland. He is an idiot

i havent read back thru the thread bit “miguel” delaney’s pal Ewan Macgregor should be made an honourary member of this thread, granted he probably plagurises most of his content from here but at heart he is one of us
that article in The Times was staggering in its hatred of rugby football

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He was very good in Trainspotting 2 though

yes, im not sure if im allowed to mention the other alias he uses on here

Who’s responsible for that drivel? Joe Smyth?

The police officer who fatally shot Don Dunphy? No, I think he has other things on his mind.


Didn’t know they were 4th in the world. Incredible achievement considering they’ve never won a knock-out match in the World Cup.


Yes our ranking always improves between World Cups.