The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

So some crowd of students in Limerick are to arrange the biggest thugby scrum in the world in memory of foley? Wouldn’t it be a nice thing to do to ask his daughter to throw in the ball?


Can you imagine how many times they’ll have to reset that? Could be there for weeks.



Farrell noted as being no more than assisting the ebquiry in the case anyhow along with two others. Stayed to have had No involvement at all in the incident. No reference to coulson

Disappointing that he can have his name fired in amongst all of this if thats the case. The sort of stink that sticks.

In other news

Big Paul Kimmage fan?

Paul is a good man for slicing and dicing the stats in the ISC doping report that suits him.

I cant speak for Cathal. Twitter him there and ask? He seems to be an athletics head.

Tug of War :grinning:

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None at all for boxing surprises me.

Shur Mick never applied for a TUE, he just went mad on the gear.

Delighted to see that cycling is clean as well.

The GGA is riddled with dopers


They must be doping. Shure they couldn’t do all that training and play matches and then get up for work in the morning.


Odd that the 8th & 9th most popular sports are number one & two in TUEs

Jeez that’s surprising. What’s the list?

The Malahide swamp dweller considers dancing, walking the dog, and running to be sports.

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I don’t apply for a TUE when I take a painkiller to go out walking.


good one Amber

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Good one shrek.

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