The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Soccer fans in the main are lowlifes with a predisposition to violence so its liable to kick off anywhere soccer fans congregate.

I wonder does Mike make the same excuse for the Rugby World Cup outdrawing the European Championships, both held within 8 months of one another?

Lolzers, you don’t believe people didn’t travel because of the location of the final?

its actually a shambles

a “European” cup competition that is followed nowhere in Europe apart from 2 provinces in Oireland

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Mate the point was people laughing at a European club final not selling out.

We have it that finals in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s failed to sell out.

You making excuses now is just gas, that’s not the point.

FYI information
there were more people present in the aviva stadium on saturday for the non league club soccer cup finals than there were for the showpiece all ireland rugby club final ( the highest level of club rugby in the country and the preeminenat game of the year ) the week before

dunph, lock the thread


The FAI have been known to lie on the attendances they get to the home of Irish Rugby, so I wouldn’t take their word as kosher.

The preeminent grassroots rugby events of the year are the Schools Cup finals. The only event that compares is the FAI Cup final, where the League of Ireland apes show why they can’t have nice things.

Haven’t time to read all these posts but fantastic to see 100 comments on the rugby thread before lunchtime on a monday. Really is rugby country


A match in Edinburgh between a French and an English team is a lot easier to get to than for two english teams traveling to Moscow, a city which is notoriously unsafe for football supporters. Apples and oranges again kiddo.

They’re talking about shutting down the anti rugby football thread now, such is the popularity it’s generating for our sport. A win for the good guys.

This is an anti- rugby thread, mate.

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We might even get a few rugby emojis


Again, European Cup finals have failed to sell out, that was the point.

I asked earlier what the excuse was for the RWC outdrawing the European Championships. Terrorism in France was it? I heard you’d need your head examined to go to France for it to be fair.

im pretty impartial here tim but i do know for a fact that CL finals do have a round number ie 65000 because UEFA have decreed 65k tickets can be sold for the game due to safety and also the huge press
they never go on public sale and a huge amount of corporate
65k are distributed and sold
ah look , i love the RWC but we cant compare it to the UEFA CL final, that thing must be on superbowl levels now

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You continually post misleading stats and move the goal posts when called up on it.

70 quid for a rugby ticket and not much change out of a grand for the Champions League Final.

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Most of the attendances we’re talking about aren’t round numbers


Nembo’s article from UEFA stated 71,500 tickets on sale but then they had an announced stadium of 71,842. The capacity is a lot higher and supposedly VIPs took up a good bit but it doesn’t add up.

I’m not “moving the goal posts”.

I merely pointed out in response to someone laughing at The European Rugby final not selling out that numerous football ones haven’t.

We’ve been helpfully informed on here that this spans decades

You can make all the excuses you want but they’re the facts.

The norm is that the Champions League Final sells out. Going back to the 60’s to compare today’s rugby equivalent is laughable.

Did smugby even exist in the 60s?

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