The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

UEFA Cup was much harder win than the Cup Winners Cup. The standard of team in it was way ahead of what was in the CWC. England was the only place where the domestic cup was taken seriously.

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Apologies to @Rocko

It was my understanding that said story had been covered in the national media before. My bad.

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Yep only ā‚¬70. Itā€™s the peopleā€™s game and they are not trying to price the ordinary decent binmen out of the gameā€™s showpiece event.

If the demand was there they would charge you 700 notes, mate.

Thatā€™s pure speculation. Move to strike.

I skipped the last 250 posts whatā€™s going on are they still talking about attendances?

I think 1 or 2 of the lads have cottoned onto the fact that soccer is more popular than rugby. Some of the lads are just pulling the piss but some of the more impressionable lads like @ChocolateMice have been really caught up in it and spent the last 24 hours tying themselves up in knots over it.


Yes- the same shite - @Nembo_Kid had a post removed by mods due to the IRFU contacting the site

Sounds about right. Heā€™s an awful gomey cunt sometimes, isnā€™t he?

I love him like a brother but heā€™s thick as pigshit at times and is easily lead astray by the bigger boys.

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Will he learn a lesson from this? On one of the many time he was calling me a racist and xenophobic, I did point out to him that generally he really should be more cognisant of defamation law in his postings or he could end up landing himself (and the administrators) in a bit of bother.


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Youā€™re great the way you keep an eye on him bro.

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I donā€™t think admins give a shit about you. When the IRFU make threats its a different ball game

Theyā€™re onto us. Signing out.

I wasnā€™t referring to myself. It was inevitable the way he was going that he would spiral further out of control and would draw heat from elsewhere on to the admins.

Okay guys letā€™s roll away here. Thereā€™s people coming in from the side and Iā€™ve seen some truck and trailer too. The offending post was removed by @Nembo_Kid himself in some of the best self-moderation seen on TFK since @artfoley temporarily suspended his own user privileges for posting gay porn. But I donā€™t want the siteā€™s future to be compromised due to lack of cop on and Iā€™m taking the IRFU at their word.

