The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

when Vol Alan Ryan was murdered the pond life on here came to the fore

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Why is he so full of hate? So bitter? It makes me sad to someone so full of hate.

You 'think?

No pal. You dont. Thatā€™s the problem

Go fuck yourself you fat headed wanker.


Whatā€™s your problem exactly?

So bitter :disappointed:

Ah you could tell me heart wasnā€™t really in that one, buddy.

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If you are gonna be on here pretending to be from Roco you canā€™t be carrying on with this shite. Hiding behind some other fool saying ā€˜I said nothingā€™ isnā€™t going to wash. I know what you said

Iā€™ve never hid behind anyone - I pulled MBB up for getting all prissy about someone being dead when that never mattered on here, ever. The comments in question have been made countless times over the last few months and iā€™ve never got involved as Iā€™ve no interest and being honest, I donā€™t even know the full story not do I want to know, gossip doesnā€™t interest meā€¦ Iā€™ve always had issues with people getting precious about posts when they are well able to give it elsewhere ā€¦ thatā€™s where Iā€™m coming from mate, if you think iā€™ve another agenda youā€™re way off.

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I believe the Uaneen law of TFK applies here, carry on.


Mullallys everywhere.

Whatā€™s RoCo got to do with it?

When youā€™re explaining youā€™re losing pal

I just knocked out 61 push-ups there while Gil is putting together an essay.

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When youā€™re not explaining youā€™re also losing it seems.

Certainly when youā€™re acting the cunt thatā€™s the case anyhow. Maybe I expected too much from you

So is somebody going to explain to me what @Batt_the_Ladd s post was about?


Which? The truth or that a man denies his own child to the extent that the dead mans current family, and their media chums, completely blanked the dead mans child from the funeral and didnā€™t even mention her in any way at any service? Fairly deplorable behaviour in my opinion.

If itā€™s true then itā€™s terrible

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