The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Which Celtic player was that mate?

Catch yourself on :rollseyes:

Beep beep beep beep lorry reversing

Heā€™s just made that right up the scamp


Itā€™s not hard believe that this discussion will be found, this is the foremost rugby forum in Ireland. The cards will fall where they may when that happens

@Bandage, rightly, deleted all offending posts after they were reported - the lads here can do the same and Iā€™d see nothing wrong with itā€¦ They get right prissy when Antneee is mentioned but can laugh away at others dying, weirdos -

Really? Please provide proof of this bold claim.

I reported fuck all to anyone. Anyone can post what they want on here. You just need to be prepared to stand over it

So what Munster fans posted bad stuff about a dead Celtic player? Iā€™l start the ball rolling anyway. It wasnā€™t me

Which other are you referring to?

What are these other deaths that youā€™re referring to mate?
Thereā€™s a load of mildly offensive posts (more bad taste really) still up from the morning of Foleyā€™s death,

Absolutely. The same man wouldnā€™t repeat it outside the front door of his motherā€™s house anyway. And thatā€™s fuck all to do with rugby either. Just common decency

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Heā€™s made it up

Heā€™s made it up

I believe @Bartholemew_the_Ladd was the one making the comments

Beep beep beep beep beep truck reversing

All youā€™ve to do is scroll upā€¦

Beep beep beep beeep

Itā€™s alright, i destroyed him already on this.

I think it was the death of Tommy Gemmell