The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Um Bongo?

Some beaut from Connaught rugby on Today FM quiz thought the Gooch played hurling. When they told him it was football he said “aww, it was 50/50”. Yeah, 50/50 if you’re a stupid cunt.


Yeah I just heard that in the car. Stupid fuck did not deserve any prize

I would have thought Beckham’s preceded that.

Who is the Gooch?


You’ll have to listen back to the show to find out.

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nobody knows gga players outside of a small band of boggers you thick muldoon

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Fuck, wrong log ins.



they bother you?

Great support from the Association football types.

Come on you Goys in Green

In fairness town is thronged with female rugby supporters

All well and good, but does it have over 10,000 likes?

The nation is all set for this major sporting competition.

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A nation holds its breath

It’s a major boost to the economy.

Best interesting to see what kinda crowd they get to the Avviva for this.

It’s sold out -

I’ve heard Australia will be awarded the W if they can correctly guess the weight of this heifer before kick off