The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Alan Kerins was born in 1977. He says he took up gaelic football for the first time when he was 23 - presumably that’s in or around 2000, maybe even early 2001. He won an All Ireland Football Medal with Galway in 2001, actually getting game time in the final win over Meath. A damning indictment of the skill level of gaelic football that you can end up playing in the blue riband game of the year, so soon after taking up the sport.


Gaelic football is for bogger Muldoon cunts - all you have to be able to do is fist the ball and be fit - So I dont disagree with what youre saying… Rubby is even less skillful tho.

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Alan is adding a bit onto the legend there. The link below is to a report on the unforgettable colours match of 1998 where Alan marked his fellow county man Derek Savage and kept him scoreless. A fine achievement even if Derek was still enjoying celebrating his success with Galway 3 months previous.

Fisty fisty bogball is the least skillful game in the world after NFL. 13 fit lads who spend the game handpassing and shouldering lads trying to get the ball to the only 2 players on the team who can kick it over the bar. A load of bollox.

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Selling An Phoblacht

I did that at 16, mate.

Those bogger muldoon cunts from Dublin aren’t too bad at it.

That was The Big Issue.

Racist cunt - we dont all look the same… that was clearly my cousin.


I would have thought rugby and NFL are very similar in terms of skill or lack of.

A Dublin taxi driver* just asked me will I be watching “the match” on Saturday. Perhaps those lads on RTE have a point…

*he was a softly spoken middle aged bloke so I am still thinking this is an exception!


It’s been established that Alan Kerins lied

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Sweeeep sweeeeeep

And the Irish independent are in on it

Sweeeeeep sweeeeeep

A Dublin minor footballer, who plays a bit of rugby in his spare time, scored nearly all the points in a man of the match performance to drag Belvedere into the final of the premier rugby schools competition on this island.


There is a pretty big match on in Manchester this Saturday. I imagine that’s what he was referring to.