The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Not all of the points though.



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I dont get it?

Look at Ireland’s points total

How did Italy get a point? Is it 0.2 points per loss?


I didnt even see it … 26 points after 5 games :rofl::rofl::rofl:

4 points for each of the 5 wins makes 20. 3 bonus point wins against Italy, Scotland and Wales for scoring 4 tries and the 3 bonus points picked up today for winning the Grand Slam makes 26.


I’m sorry but that’s ridiculous.

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What is the point of the Grand Slam bonus points?

Weird, I suppose it’s possible to win the grand slam but still lose the6 nations otherwise?

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Bonus points for winning a grand slam. Wtf?

They needed them in the end.

No it’s not. Soccer types getting hot and bothered by the intricacies of rugby union. Run along and find a soccer thread to ruminate about something as ridiculous as the away goal rule or the penalty shoot lottery for declaring a winner in a drawn match.

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It’s a complete gimmick and has made a mockery of what once was a prestigious competition.

This is the anti rugby thread, mate… he’s in the correct thread… toddle along yourself like a good chap.



If you win all your games without gaining any bonus points could you still lose the six nations without those extra points?

The three extra bonus points for winning a Grand Slam ensures that the minimum points total a Grand Slam winning team finishes on is 23 thereby guaranteeing a Championship win. A side that wins 4 and loses 1 game could theoretically end up on 22 points. The bonus points system was a wonderful innovation for the 135 year old Championship.

135 years? Ireland must have a serious amount of grand slams and championships won in that time?