The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

BOI would be no more cuntish than anyone to deal with

3% for 5 years is a decent offer

Anyone out there offering split mortgages anymore i.e half loan on fixed and half variable

Maybe go to a broker

Why so? And give him a cut? Shouldn’t be hard to go to the banks myself. AIB I find to be a nice crowd to deal with but pity it’s BOI with a nicer package.

Brokers get paid by the banks and do all the paperwork for you. You’d want your head examined to not use one. They’ll give you the best deal available based on your circumstances. Either BOI or AIB are the only bank brokers can’t use. I can give you details of the lad I used but he’s in Dublin so might not be much use to you.

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Would cost you about 250 quid. Bank gives them bulk of fee. 100% worth it IMO if you dont have bags of time on your hands

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AIB have a broker arm called Haven. Exact same rates as AIB. Big advantage with decent broker is they are going straight to decision maker. You walk into a bank branch you have no control over what kind of doo dah might be processing your application. They certainly wont be incentived by a commission to get you a good deal anyway

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Is that who Haven are? A ridiculous shower of useless cunts

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Yeah I got half and half off AIB, presume they’ll all do it.

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250 quid to pay a broker? I think you were ripped off mate

Things are moving very quickly for you mate, seems like a few months since you were negotiating the first dates, the day at the races disaster must have focussed minds??

Has he deleted tinder yet?

Most decent broker will charge a fee to avoid tyre kickers.

Yes. Essentially it is what once was EBS.

My mortgage is with them. Thought they were quite efficient. Iv a vague memory of having this discussion with you before

Have used brokers for both my mortgages and neither charged a penny to me. Got exact same rate as bank in both cases.

Fair play

Was it a fella with initials SC you used? I chatted to him before about this and he vexed me greatly. Snake oil salesman. But i might use someone in Limerick. I remember researching Limerick brokers before and they all charged a fee.

KBC do a 10 year fixed at 2.99% and I think you can pay off up to 10% of the mortgage or something in a lump sum without paying a fee/penalty. You have to have a current account with them

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If I was fixing now I’d fix long term rather than 3-5 years. I think interest rates will be just ticking up by the time the 3-5 year term would be over so you wouldn’t have saved much. Variable rates should continue to fall over the next couple of years all else being equal. We are still paying way over the odds

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DC. Works for Irish Mortgage Corporation

Same here. I found them tough to deal with, even things like having both statements sent to one address and making an increase in the monthly DD were drawn out over months