The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

That’s all well and good, but the solvency of this country is inextricably linked to the financial health of the banks. As a consequence there won’t be any draconian legislation or revocation of licenses as if there are we will all be up the Swanee River again in jig time.

Well we own AIB, EBS & PTSB. So all he had to say to the CEO’s & all the board and higher up management, was you’re fired if this isn’t sorted by Christmas. There’d be a fair chunk of the problem solved fairly rapid then. We also have a large enough stake in BOI that we could throw our weight around in there.
Be interesting to see if anything comes of the collusion racket. The variable rates in this country are a joke. They should be more like 2% or less.

The rates are that high because the banks have to price in the risk that the Courts won’t grant repossession orders. Which they won’t. People can’t have it every way.

And thankfully not, Can you imagine the bigger mess that this Tracker scandal would have been if the banks were allowed repossess properties?

It’s all well and good saying the solvency of the country is linked to the banks but that doesn’t mean that the banks shouldn’t be let behave as they. Infact because the solvency of the Country is so linked to the banks then that sector should be most heavily regulated in the country. By right CEO’s and the board members should be held accountable for the actions of the bank and that should be in legislation and in the contracts that they sign with the bank. You can bet if the CEO’s or board thought that behaviour of the bank could land them in jail then you bet your fucking arse that they banks would be run with much tighter control than there is.

Did you do the corresponding calculation to see how much value that woukd knock off the states shareholding in the banks

The banking industry shills are out in force this morning.

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My only interest in the banking industry is as a tax payer and recovering our money

And to pay for all the trackers.

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It was the likes of you that drove the banks to ruin. You’ve changed your tune now.

No need to be playing to the gallery. Whay about your profession absolute failure to identify these issues at audit time? Surely this huge contingent liability for the tracker scandal was called out for years in the notes to the accounts? Its not new news

The government needs to force them to simplify and make it cheaper to switch your mortgage. They wouldn’t be long lowering the rates if large amounts of people started moving to whoever was the cheapest.

I haven’t worked in audit for twenty years mate. Ask the KPMG lads that one.

You need to declare sponsored content now mate

It’s somewhat complicated though by the bailout of the banks and subsequent equity stakes over the last while. That’s the type of legislation that is more likely once the state has sold off all it’s stakes!

Fella who owns or is looking at this I believe

Sweep sweep

Sweeping the floor of the tyre recycling plant is what that lad is doing now @gilgamboa.

I don’t think there was a bank that wasn’t doing it so it’s likely they were colluding. Insurance companies were at the same craic.

Hayes is a cunt talking out of both sides of his mouth though.

Hayes is a cunt alright but the lads in DG comp would seriously soften the bankers coughs

Anyone take out a mortgage lately? Looking at the rates it’s surely low enough to fix it in for 5yrs? BOI are 3% for 5yrs with 2% of your loan back in cash. So could be a few grand back into your hand. AIB in comparison have no such offer and their 5yr rate is 3.2%. I’m an AIB customer though and my impression and from what I’ve heard is BOI are cunts to deal with? Anyone got a mortgage with them?