The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

90% for 2019.

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That’s grand when you’re building a mud hut in the 1980s. Not much use when you want to build or buy a house at today’s prices.


Good stuff, were you a switcher to AIB or new application to take out the 2.85% over 5yrs? You weren’t tempted by 3.30% for 10yrs with them?

It’s the lads who buy dozens of pairs of trainers who have mud huts. I am sitting smugly with two pairs of trainers and no mortgage


Ya, but you’re in your 60s.


Should I pay off my mortgage early or save the cash for a 20% deposit should I want to upgrade in a few years?

If you are applying for a new mortgage you have to use the prevailing rate. If on a tracker you can use the tracker porting +1% for the balance for a ten year period. Any additional lending will be at the prevailing rate on offer.

Was an existing AIB customer on a variable rate. Will potentially be looking to sell the house down the line so didnt want to fix for ten years

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You know well that you should try sticking your thumb up your hole first.

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Two houses, no mortgages, you’d want to be a right mug not to have made a killing in the first property boom

Made a killing and only the 2 houses to show for it? Doesn’t sound right.

cc @balbec

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The second house is a bit of a pain in the hole in truth,

Anyone know anything about this crowd called Dilosk? They’re offering three and five year fixed mortgages at 2.55% and 2.60%. I’d say anyone else is 2.9 or 3.0% at best for five year fixed.

Dilosk is the old ICS mortgages

They were on morning Ireland this morning if you want to listen back.

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Are you becoming a capitalist pig?

I don’t know anything about ICS mortgages, did these go bust?

Are rates likely to change much in the medium term? I’m currently locked in for another 12 months at 3.45%

The general feeling is the ECB likely to cut rates in the short term future. The fact that this new crowd are coming into the market below the current average price is a good indicator again towards that expectation, as you’d imagine they’d have all their in house nerds crunching the numbers and forecasting where the market moves.

I don’t think that’s outrageous, I pay something fairly similar on my 4 year with UB, or only marginally worse anyway.

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