The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

BoI bought them years ago and sold their loan book few years back

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You can get UB at 2.6% for 4 years. The ICS rate is excellent, they still go by the name. They have a variable rate of 2.7 at <60% ltv which is excellent.

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KBC is offering 2.35 fixed for 3 years with 3k cashbacks for under 50% LTV.

any significant downsides to this @gilgamboa ?

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Not really. It’s a savage deal for them, but we are getting fleeced on mortgages so take what you can.
I wouldn’t be worried about rates rising anytime soon anyway. But I doubt the cunts in the banks here will bring variables down lower than 2.35%

No. Probably need to pay your salaries into a KBC account but looks a good deal

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Lads are house prices going to plummet? I actually put an offer in on a place 5 weeks ago and they came back saying they’d deal for 10 grand more yesterday.


This was an interesting experience.

Where are you buying Alf?

To answer your question, noone really knows I guess. I think that most people might expect prices to bounce back very quickly and just hold off on selling for a year or so. I suspect that prices would fall that far, I might be entirely wrong.

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Depends where it is and if it is somewhere you plan to be for good. They may fall back a bit alright. Are you married/kids?

They’ve some cheek.

I’ve a pal working in property and he says deals are falling over left, right and centre.


We’re in the middle of it at the moment having gone sale agreed in Jan. We actually want to complete but the dope at the top of the chain keeps insisting to close at the end of May. I’ve my heart broken trying to get the estate agent to move it forward and that it’ll be his loss but the penny hasn’t fully dropped yet it seems


If you’re not in a chain yourself then walk away, you’ll probably see a 15% drop in property prices in the 6 months after lockdown

Cheers pal. My salary goes in to KBC already so no issue there. I rang my current provider to see what theyd offer and they actually offered me a rate more expensive than my current one :smile:


Yeah - we’ve talked about that. We both reckon over the medium term though prices will come back fairly quickly and we both really like this house. Also not clear whether we’ll have the same finance etc as banks will inevitably tighten up. A drop isn’t much good to us if we’re struggling to get as good a house and the delay involved (say 6-12 months) will be a big inconvenience too.


We are the same as I outlined in another thread went sale agreed on purchase and sale within a few weeks in February. We aren’t closing until June as youngest is ahem! doing the Leaving. All parties were made aware of this and are ok with it. The house we are buying is a probate sale and unoccupied and our buyer has paid the rest of deposit and signed the contract. We will be doing similar on our purchase next week. Was sure it was all going to fall apart a few weeks ago but looks fairly certain to happen now :ronnyroar:


Tell them you’ll deal for ten grand less than you offered the last time


Best wishes

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McWilliams had a decent podcast during the week on this about Irish banks fleecing their customers on mortgages. He maintains rates should now be down near 1%. All it needs is one lender to jump the shark on it but they all seem to be in cahoots to keep them high.

Something to look forward to

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I’d hold my own now kid if I were you.