The ask Bandage about mortgages thread


If you earned 100k in simple terms you can put 20k in your pension and pay tax on 80kā€¦so at 50% tax (for ease of calc) you end up with 40k net income and 20k in your pensionā€¦ So value for 60k of your salary

If no pension and tax on the 100k then you have value for 50k

And yeahā€¦ You can put as much as you want into the pension but tax relief stops at that level so no real benefit

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How would a lad who hasnā€™t been availing of the full percentage of relief go about topping up with a one time amount to avail of it? Say before the end of a calendar year with only 1 months pay left

Talk to payroll you can do lump sum paymentā€¦ Tell them you want to do an AVC

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Mac is 39 and a half.


How much does it cost to bring a Ber rating from say E1 up to a C Ber rating? Iā€™m thinking insulation up in the loft, change out the windows and pump the cavity full of foam.

Engage an Assessor mate.

Perhaps the windows need to be changed for comfort reasons but there would be cheaper ways of getting the house to a C rating.

Even pumping the cavity and adding attic insulation would get you alot of the way.

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Bank of Ireland introducing negative interest rates on business accounts (not sure of balance threshold if any) from January.

Be interesting to see how that affects inflation.

Boiler and heating controls upgrade would be an obvious one.


Are you living in an Igloo,Iā€™ve a slatted unit out the back would be an E1 rating.


He needs to start by filling the wall holes with windows.


If itā€™s already that low youā€™ll have serious cost bringing it up. Heating system, insulation in walls, new windows and air tight tape, insulation in attic space and maybe air tight membrane there, and you might need to look at the floor construction too as that may need reinsulating too. You need a BER assessor to tell you options or what you need to do.

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do you have an open fireplace or a fireplace door?

The houses weā€™re looking at would have them, yes.

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Are you buying one of your ancestral Big Houses?

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The big house was burned out by the Raā€¦

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@Bandage do banks look for revoute transactions when applying for a mortgage

Yes. Six months of statements required.

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Thanks good to know

Even revolout?

Yes. 6 months of statements required.

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