The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

But he still has to live somewhere

Regardless of bank or offer, get the repayment sum for an increase on rates of +2% and make sure you can pay it

Myself and @backinatracksuit will do your floors for you. ā‚¬300 a day. Each.

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That puts a different spin on it alright. Cc @Breaking_my_balls

Plus he didnā€™t ask for that totally useless piece of info.

How the fuck did 30,000 get changed off a tracker mortgage and not challenge the banks if they had any inkling there was an issue.

If someone tried to change my tracker Iā€™d like to think Iā€™d be all over it.

Paudie Kissane has aged terribly since he retired.

Do you not even have the most basic understanding of whats gone on?

No. I havenā€™t been following it at all. Iā€™ve just caught primetime here.

Hayes made a complaint to the European commission today telling them he suspected the banks are running a cartel. Any truth in that?

if ure still stuck on that send me a PM pal

Person gets a tracker mortgage.

Bank offers fixed rate mortgage to give security for 3 years.

Person meant to back on tracker but doesnā€™t.

And here we are today.

Is that not it?

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When people went and got a fixed rate or were encouraged into a fixed rate (when tracker rates were high) they did so on the understanding they would go back on the tracker when fixed rate expired. The Banks by and large refused to put them back on the rate or else put them back on more expensive trackers.

So it wasnt that people failed to spot it. They just got nowhere with conplaints or just accepted the Bank was entitled to act as they did

Thats exactly it

Surely when this was happening in 09/10 the lawyers wouldā€™ve been all over it? i donā€™t why I didnā€™t change. Probably apathy.

Slight bit more to it, at end of term banks sent out letter saying hereā€™s options but not including tracker and writing into small print theyā€™d waived trackers.

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Who knows. Nothing would surprise me.

You cant take a class action in Ireland which takes away a lot of consumer power. Some individuals went to the ombudsman but that is a v slow process. Ombudsman found in consumer favour but then PTSB took a supreme court case appealing against that decision which delayed things even further.

The FSO is fucking useless.

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Lads simple fact of the matter is that the banks run the country. They are free to do what they want, when they want. Just look at Paschals statement the other day on it, basically he told the banks that they were naughty and to head off and sort it out on their own terms. The politicians are beholden to the banks because they all have got something from them like loans at preferential rates or other little nicities that a normal joe soap wouldnā€™t ever have a hope of getting.

If the government had any balls at all they could have introduced legislation allowing for class action law suits to start with, secondly the finance minister could have, maybe should, order the revenue to do a root and branch tax audit on all the banks. You can bet these fuckers are have all sorts of shenanigans going on. Also they could revoke a banks banking licence. They should also be told as an act of contrition to lower there interest rates by 1%.

The banks need a good kicking to be brought back down to earth. After the behaviour of the banks prior to the crash the government should have brought in draconian legislation for the banks to stop this sort of carry on.