The Auld Yarns thread

Jason comes across as the sort of cunt who’d absolutely ruin a good funeral.

I was driving this morning when I saw a parked AA van, the driver was sobbing uncontrollably. I thought to myself, …that guy’s heading for a breakdown.


Another of ours is setting up home. This requires bedroom furnishings, flooring and ancillary products.
Gramps gets involved and establishes an all-round go-to firm. All good until:

A van arrives yesterday morning around 9sh…I’m like a boiling bastard until the penny drops.

I horse the stuff into the sheds (ne’re a word about time, payment or anything) and I brings them in for a bit of a breakfast. I revs the pan up, fires on the standards and then the lock of boxty…

The pair of boys were mystified…All grand until departure.

That your lake Sir…
Nah! only about 300yds of it.
That all your land Sir…
The same as the lake frontage Paddy.

That’s gas Paddy, water for 200 cows and grass for 5.

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Could somebody translate this rambling piece of piss?


ok, this is what im getting

someone in @Boxtyeaters family is moving into a new house
a van arrives with furniture, @anon67715551 is seething that the person moving into the new house is one of those flashy city slickers that chooses to have furniture. They put the stuff into a shed rather than the house
for some reason @anon67715551 invites the delivery men into breakfast
the delivery men think @anon67715551 is an oddball

someone else will need to translate the last bit of gibberish


Delivery men :smiley:

A van on Sunday morning and the boys asking questions about who owns what around the place …


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There was a few oul drops of the craythur involved anyway Id say

Is there a line missing which says; “a bottle was opened and I haven’t stopped drinking since”


I’ve no doubt.

Ok, that’s boxty on the small plate, but I still don’t understand the rest of it.

Basically you’d be better off eel farming than beef farming in Leitrim.

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Those Junior B title celebrations can have an hallinucatory effect on a man.
Things tend to appear different the day after…The sick as a dog thread was the place really.

As you were…


This is a great book of auld yarns.


Another harmless old sort used to bum around the town at home. 3 litre bottle of cider job and living rough for the most part. But happy out.

Anyway one day he was walking through the town with one shoe on. A local stopped him and asked him where did he lose the shoe. He replied:

‘No! Where did I find the shoe?!!


Reminds me of Bernard. Is he still knocking around Patrickswell @ciarancareyshurlingarmy?

Sounds like a hoot

Grand aul yarn

This was a good read for yarns