The Auld Yarns thread

So, I was out for a couple of pints with Claire on Saturday and she was telling me about her ex, whose best pal runs a well known fringe festival (not Edinburgh, south coast). So your man invited her ex down for the few days, and they went to the opening night of the comedy. Due to your man’s role, not only were they right at the front, your man brought his three kids (and it was a lairy evening show,). The comedian, not an A Lister, but we’ll enough known started it with the audience. He then saw the kids , and went up to the first one (aged 6) with the microphone. “Right” he says “what’s the rudest word you know?”
The kid thought for a few seconds, before saying “nxxxer” at the top of his voice into the microphone.
The comedian in question moved swiftly on.


That’s a lovely auld yarn. Like one of @anon67715551’s, only almost believable


People who annoy you


Actress claims she was forced to drive drunk to avoid threesome

Foyle’s War star tells court she reversed into parked car ‘in her rush to escape unwanted attentions’


HONEYSUCKLE WEEKS, the Foyle’s Waractress, has been banned from driving after claiming she was forced to get behind the wheel while drunk to avoid being coerced into a threesome.

Honeysuckle Weeks, pictured, toned down her glamorous look for her appearance at Worthing magistrates’ court, below

Honeysuckle Weeks, pictured, toned down her glamorous look for her appearance at Worthing magistrates’ court, below

The 43-year-old was more than twice the legal drink-drive limit when she reversed into a parked car in Arundel, West Sussex, and drove off.

She was arrested after an off-duty police officer witnessed the incident and stopped her Honda CR-V SUV.

Appearing before Worthing magistrates’ court, the Oxford-educated actress admitted drink-driving but said she had been trying to escape a situation where she feared she would be coerced into having sex.

Mathew Howell, prosecuting, said: “On Monday Nov 28 last year at approximately 7.20pm, the defendant was driving her vehicle in Arundel when she was seen to reverse into a parked car on the street.

“The defendant drove off from the scene before returning 15 seconds later.

“The vehicle was stopped and the police officer realised the driver was drunk.”

Weeks, who was wearing a tweed checked jacket, brown trousers, a grey polo neck jersey and brown boots for her court appearance, told magistrates she had been out drinking with friends on Nov 28 last year and had been invited to stay over for the night.


But she said her friend had also invited his lover to stay over and she feared she would be coerced into a threesome.

She said: “I was expecting to stay the night in a friend’s house in Arundel but the man in question invited his lover to the property and I was in danger of being coerced into sexual actions with them, which I found extremely unwelcome.”

Following her arrest, tests showed Weeks had 78 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath – the legal limit is 35 micrograms.

The actress, who has also appeared in episodes of Death in Paradise and Midsomer Murders, pleaded guilty to a single charge of drink driving.

She asked for leniency, explaining she needed her car to take her son to school every day.

Weeks also told the court she did not have a steady income at the moment and was receiving Universal Credit.

She was banned from driving for 20 months, fined ÂŁ120 with ÂŁ85 court costs and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of ÂŁ48.

‘I was in danger of being coerced into sexual actions which I found extremely unwelcome’

She agreed to undertake a drink- driving awareness course which would reduce her driving ban by 20 weeks, meaning her licence could be returned to her in April 2024.

The driving ban is the latest in a series of blows suffered by the actress who made her name playing Samantha Stewart in the long-running ITV detective series Foyle’s War alongside Michael Kitchen.

A self-confessed “wild child” and “hippy”, Weeks dated Hugh Grant, the actor.

She was also engaged to Anno Birkin, an English musician and poet, who was killed in a road traffic accident in Italy in 2001.

In 2005, she married hypnotherapist Lorne Stormonth-Darling in a Buddhist ceremony in the Himalayas followed by a more traditional wedding in London in 2007.

They have one son, who was born in 2011.

In 2015, Weeks, who was educated at Roedean in Brighton before reading English at Pembroke College, Oxford, was ordered to wear an electronic tag after being caught speeding while banned from driving.

In July the following year, she went missing after telling her family she had been suffering from anxiety.

Sussex Police issued an urgent appeal to help find her but she was located safe and well and returned home.

She made no comment as she sheltered from the rain when she left court yesterday.

Honeysuckle weeks and Lorne Stormonth-darling.
She lives in a strange world.
Sad oul story that.

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She was a ride in Foyles war.

Pictured here with Brian Kerr



From Jonathan Wilson’s book on the Charlton brothers.

During Italia 90 when Ireland were based in Sardinia, Mick Byrne was in a ‘boisterous’ mood and knocked into an expensive looking model boat in a shop smashing it to bits.

The owner ran out horrified. Mick apologised sincerely. ‘Me so sorry’. The owner didn’t listen. He called his wife. ‘Me so so sorry’ said Mick again. The couple weren’t listening despite Mick reaffirming his apologies.

Eventually Mick in his broad Dublin accent changed tack.

‘Me not sorry anymore. Fuck you and fuck your boat!!’


That’s hardly her real name


Imagine having a guest like that on the Late Late now?

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I was thinking the same thing

A stranger rolled into a local town a few years back. He started drinking in the pubs and fraternising with the locals but was slow to pay for his drinks.

Anyway a pub owner was beginning to get fed up of his bullshit so conversations were had as to the fella’s background with the locals.

‘He’s a bollox’ said one. ‘You can’t trust him’ said another while a third commended him saying that the stranger was actually a doctor and everyone should respect him.

Anyway the pub owner saw his chance and began to quiz the stranger about his medical background.

‘I’m only studying to be a doctor. That’s why I have little money to pay for drink’.

‘Oh right - where are you studying?’


He wasn’t seen again after that.

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I’ve seen this clip a gazillion times and am still in stitches every time I see it.

Its not even that great a story but by jaysis can he tell it.

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This exactly. The punchline is actually shite. But “the peuuuupe”…

George Best’s story about Ferenc Puskás in Australia:

“I was with (Bobby) Charlton, (Denis) Law, and Puskás, we were coaching in a football academy in Australia. The youngsters we were coaching did not respect him including making fun of his weight and age.

We decided to let the guys challenge a coach to hit the crossbar 10 times in a row, obviously, they picked the old fat one.

Law asked the kids how many they thought the old fat coach would get out of ten. Most said less than five. Best said ten.

The old fat coach stepped up and hit nine in a row. For the tenth shot, he scooped the ball in the air, bounced it off both shoulders and his head, then flicked it over with his heel and cannoned the ball off the crossbar on the volley.

They all stood in silence then one kid asked who he was, I replied, “To you, his name is Mr. Puskás”.”


You could see the kids point all the same