The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

He’s a great young player at trying to fool linesmen into thinking attacking players are always offside.


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Niall Quinn would sicken your hole.


He’s hilariously oblivious God bless him

you are a fantastic poster, I haven’t seen you around here before


Thanks I’m new around here.

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you have a great way about you, keep an eye for the likes of @HBV @Nembo_Kid @Smark and @GeoffreyBoycott, they are the top posters around here

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I’ve already come across them. They are unreal. Any to avoid :laughing:

you’d have the real dregs like sydney, glasagusban, chcolatemice and mac, real losers them lads, nothing to say, when you see their avatar beside a post you’d immediately skip over to the next post


That’s the trick to happiness round here in a nutshell.
Avoid those boring bastards and you can enjoy life here. Nobody needs to suffer.


@anon7035031 could be an elite poster if he was to return to the Roman Catholic Church, no surprise that two of the worst posters are dole heads either


He ticks a lot of boxes alright but he carries one major flaw. An awful pity because the way he swats away the bullies can be impressive. He does a savage meatloaf too you know.


He’d do anything for love?


I really miss that @Tess_Tickle lad. He was a great poster. Do you remember him

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I do. I was good friends with him.

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That’s unreal. I didn’t really know you back then. It just shows we have the same kind of outlook

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For sure kid, we are singing off the same hymnsheet.

Sorry to disappoint you @Tassotti but cross dressing (no offense to cross dressers) and kiddie fiddling (maximum offense intended) isn’t really my thing. Give it up lad, there’s a great sense of freedom when you give up delusion.


Leicester City are to rename the King Power Stadium as the “Prince Power Stadium” for this Sunday’s game against Swansea, in tribute to the late pop genius.

The Daily Mail are outraged that it hasn’t been renamed the “Queen Power Stadium” instead, to mark Elizabeth Windsor’s 90th birthday.

Fuck 'em.

Sakho out for Liverpool. Supposed failed drug test against man utd in the Europa is the reason