The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

Big Sam doesn’t want to rely on favours, maybe that’s how Spurs work as they are acclimatised to shitting themselves in the crunch.




Suck on that, @GeoffreyBoycott!

Holy shit!!

Fuck off ref.
Costa such a cunt

Mannone!!! what a save

Six minutes injury time for Newcastle to get a winner at Villa Park.

Would somebody not break Costa two legs and be done with it.
IT’s the least the cunt deserves.

Are we there? :see_no_evil:

Mr Chelsea SENT OFF!

Villa fans serenading Newcastle supporters with “Down with the Villa. You’re going down with the Villa.” :laughing:


Fuck you @GeoffreyBoycott.

Big Sam put the pressure on himself and his boys and they did not shit themselves.

Hon to fuck!!


Sad to see Mr Chelsea’s Chelsea career end in these circumstances.


Clark had a good game for Villa. They had an Irish left back Toner as well who looked a fairly limited lad

Chelsea still have 2 games left so JT will be back for the final game at home to Leicester next weekend. An occasion to saviour. :clap:



What a shame he won’t get the warm Anfield reception he thoroughly deserves.

Could you imagine if Spurs had the nerve and mettle these Sunderland manager and players have, they would probably be Premier League Champions this season.

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Super win, should be enough.

Terry sent off was the icing on the cake.

Mags drawing 0-0 at Villa makes it even sweeter.