The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

Great to see that Martin Peters’ Alzheimers is still only in its early stages and he’s still able to get out of a black taxi and walk onto the pitch.

Former Arsenal fringe player and miserable anti-Wenger pundit Stewart Robson bizarrely being introduced to the crowd.

Some more less than stellar names being introduced to the crowd here.

Is Poppy Robson there?

I don’t know.

But Paolo Di Canio and Sir Trevor Brooking are there.

I always wondered why Sir Trev got a knighthood, and I’m still not quite sure why.

But he’s a very nice man, so I’m glad he did.

Be some craic if Bobby Moore walked out onto the pitch.

Did West Ham win something?

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No frank McAvennie.

Has Marco Boogers been introduced yet?

No 'Arry either, unless I missed him when I nipped off for a pee.

I didn’t think there could be such a thing as a shit, rip-off version of Sham 69, but here they are.


Farewell the Bowling Ground.

No time for a pint now for West 'Em supporters before the last Tube.

A result for Louis van Gaal.

Jesus’s de Gea should have stopped that 3rd West ham goal. Limp wrist.

Should have been watching Eurovision.

Should have saved it. When I seen the replay I couldn’t believe a keeper of his quality didn’t stop it.

Be great if both Liverpool and Man City qualified for the champions league.

They’ve both enriched the tournament so much in their most recent appearances in it.

The Manchester United Nil team and the West Ham supporters had something in common tonight.

They both carried out a bottle job.

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You have to laugh at that dildo salesman David Sullivan blaming Man Utd for the scenes outside the ground, they should have turned up at 4 o’clock according to the repulsive little creep. :laughing:

Bad luck has really dogged the Man U team bus driver on his forays to London of late.

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Watch it in real time and not slow motion. The header was from 5 yards out and he put good power behind it. It also took a deflection off Blind’s shoulder. The fact De Gea got his hand to it is what’s amazing.

He must be 80 by now