The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

Everton were poor but that looks like United’s best lineup. For all his faults Jones is a better option than Blind and midfield that started is the best option available. If Rooney gets back into form there is s lot of goals in that side.

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Great to see City knock the edges off that Sterling chap, he might have a chance of being a player yet.

James McClean was winding up the Sunderland supporters at full time today. :laughing:


Who’s the West Brom player than puts his arm around McClean and gees the crowd up while escorting him from the field?

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Craig Gardner, he’s ex Sunderland too.


Craig Gardner? Another former Sunderland player

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Alright sort in my book.


Who started it, I thought it looked like Danny Graham but there’s no way that cunt could make it on the field surely?

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How did Klopps army go today?

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Dunno but Liverpool hacked their way to a boring draw

What were the thugs chanting at the end there?

Up the ra

McLean really is a simpleton.

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Yeah, he’d want to drink a bottle of cop the fuck on alright.



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I believe JMc is fighting some war or such. Best he be treated as another element of the EPL pantomime.

Vol. James Joseph McClean is a breath of fresh air in that sham of a league. A modern day maverick who doesn’t fit into the Sky Super Sunday ideals. The kind of man you hate playing against. Fuck the haters Seamus.


dont be such a gimp, he did a fist pump,calm down

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I’m perfectly calm. Thanks for the concern though mate.

My real problem with him is that he’s not the kind of player anyone really hates playing against. Doesn’t seem to have developed his game at all, and must be quite predictable to play against.

Throw in the fact that there’s a sense that distracting noise seems to surround him (partly his fault through unnecessary if ultimately harmless shit like yesterday and twitter spats with idiots and that flag thing, though undoubtedly fueled by jingoistic elements of English press) and it feels like his career prospects are becoming more limited. I guess I had hopes that he’d develop into a decent player for us, and find it disappointing that he doesn’t really seem to be.