The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

Could we be watching the last 15 minutes of Mourinho’s time at Chelsea?

Chelsea are such a fucking despicable franchise. This is great. Costa and his kick, their protests for Lucas to be sent off. Scum.

Embarrassing for Arsenal to have dropped three points at the Bridge.


Let’s hope not. It’s great watching him lose the plot.

Benteke practically walks it in.


Final nail in Jose’s coffin?

This is superb. Kloppo :clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4:

Have we had as a bad a champion as Chelsea in the Premier League era? Surely not?

The horrible cunt of a ref has been giving everything to Chelsea too.
Something seriously wrong going on with that club, considering the depth of talent they have.

So, so easy.


Not until out of champions league

Gr8 win. Well worth it. Chelski are creaking at the back now.

Would be the icing on the cake if this result saw the end of Mourinho at Chelsea. :slight_smile:

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Yes, it would.

I hope this is Arsene’s year. Jose’s head would explode.


It wont be. City will stroll this

I’d happily forego one in favor of the beautiful Arsene. City will get plenty.

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Personally I couldnt give a fuck.who wins it

Just great to enjoy the United decline.

In 300 minutes of football and a penalty shoot out this week, Man Utd scored 1 (one) goal

Still, according to the boys this is better than Moyes. How much has LVG spent now?