The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

Dele Alli with a well deserved equaliser on the stroke of HT. A peach.

Cracking equaliser

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A lot better from Everton 2nd half…fuck me but kone on the pitch ahead of delafoue and mirliass is baffling

Coleman will be wrecked from running in behind his static centre backs all game. Stones doesn’t like to turn very much.

Coleman might have done a little better on the goal but it’s a very long ball and it shouldn’t be up to the full back to cover everything in behind the whole way across the pitch. Sky were focusing on his defending at half time, while not really blaming him too much in fairness, but made no mention of either centre back cutting out the ball, or God forbid dropping off a little to defend it. Thankless task for Coleman and he’s been left to do that a few other times too.


Full backs fault all day long…also spurs cb had all day to pick his pass…impossible for Colman to defend that tbf

Full back’s fault but impossible for Coleman?

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The angle of the ball in was cb ball all day long to attack.Coleman at best would be to get a block on the shot.would have be a pen otherwise

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Delafoue looks a proper threat already…

Ah right, you mean centre backs fault. You wrote full back’s fault.

Not the greatest game ever but one man is head and shoulders above everyone else again. Michael Oliver just too good for the EPL.

Everton having their best spell of the game now.

I’ve been watching since the 40th minute and I’m enjoying it immensely.

Please don’t over analyse my comment. I just wanted to make my Michael Oliver point. He’s been faultless.

There he is again. A simple booking but other referees would have wasted time explaining it (or In Scotland lecturing to the player while gesticulating wildly Hugh Dallas style). Mr Oliver doesn’t get showy. Just correct call after correct call.

Shit ya…sorry…Everton look more of a threat now anyway…would still have to fancy spurs…Howard is prone to a fuck up or two

Come on you Spurs.

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Besic and delafoue have made suck a difference… Why Martinez presists wit kone is behond me…

Such even…

Besic has been excellent.

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