The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

Mata with a brain fart there.

Amavi has great quality going forward, rare to see a full back so two footed.

Rooney has been dogshit.

He’s finished. United need a no.9 badly.

He is disgracefully unfit.

I’d have Charlie Austin over him atm tbpfh.

If I was ever a footballer, I’d definitely be having Stretford as my agent.

That’s a sitter Memphis.

This is fucking awful.

United will win a lot of games 1-0 this season.

And bore everyone to tears if the last 2 games are anything to go by.

I’d say Depay has a bit of an attitude. Grand if he produces, not so good if he doesn’t and Rooney is in his worst player on the pitch for a month mode.

Dreadful game, United are really negative, afraid to try and do something in possession.

The lack of urgency and ambition from Villa has been so disappointing as well.

Is it over?

It is now.

That narrowly edges the True Detective finale for piles of shite I’ve watched this week.

It’s hilarious to see Utd fans retreat from the ‘Utd way’ they’ve been spouting for the last 20 years- which I believe meant attacking football and a good youth policy- It’s now baout winning ugly and spending 200m a year. It must be hard for them to realize that they are just another club, poor mites.

Not from what I see, any Utd fan I’ve spoken to* is seething, utterly seething.

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Fuck you scouse cunt


I’m dangerously close to losing interest in the whole thing already.

Same old Arsenal, Mourinho is a bitter cunt, United are fucking boring, Liverpool fans are getting excited.

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