The Barney Curley lies thread

Yes you found that out when ye passing false information about me in pms a few months back.

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A MacMeltdown would be a great name for a massive burger with cheese


You told the board you sap.

This is actually intriguing, a chap posting on the internet is driving lads demented.

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By the way @BarneyCurley, now that the match is over, can you post this up please?

I always compile a little mental list of people thatā€™ll bite when I put a post. 1) @the_man_himself is always top of it and his inability to not bite is unreal 2) @Mac a crown simpleton and really just a muppet 3) @anon78624367 itā€™s actually amazing how he canā€™t control his ability to bite. Seems like an ok fella if a bit mental. 4) @anon61878697 has improved but he usually cant leave it go and will join if somebody else bites. 5) @myboyblue nobody really cares about him and if heā€™s the only bite youā€™ve probably failed.


No mate you were informed about that in pms about me. Remember a few months when ye were all desperately passing around false info about me?

You have a lovely way of flattering yourself

Yes made the ones that bite are the weirdos rather than the Walter Mitty who compiles the lies

Jesus this is some meltdown from a newbie

Funny, cos you said previously you have us all on ignore. #morelies

you think too much about this placeā€¦do you think people canā€™t see through your posts and are playing along to see where you go with it?

Has this been resolved? We need a proper man to call this lad out but unfortunately @AppleCrumbled no longer seems to post here


I donā€™t have the numbers to hand but I think he didnā€™t runner after only posting one winner since July. No surprise given how much he must have cost everyone

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Mac is seething :rofl:

Iā€™m surprised tbh.

@BarneyCurley is currently liking posts of mine from 2017 and 2018 where I congratulate @AppleCrumbled on tipping a winner. Complete nutter behaviour :joy:

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Screen grab your notifications there

@AppleCrumbled used to love doing thatā€¦heā€™d go back 2 years to like a postā€¦ I couldnā€™t remember a post from any of you cunts from yesterday, ket alone a couple of years back.

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