The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Do you think there should be any moderation? Should everything be allowed?

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He has a similar stance on Sid to most things will tell you all you need to know. This would state that he’s a vicious hypocrite.

The precedent seems to be set now anyway. Threatening posters with making baseless reports on them in a personal capacity are accepted. I don’t believe for a single second these were empty threats. That particular poster has a track record of posting real identities of people up here on Twitter and setting up fake accounts in their names putting forward extremist views. That’s unhinged and it’s a vindictive action intended to destroy these people’s lives and reputation. He’s never apologised for it. Maybe Mike Hunt can address why he thinks that is acceptable.

More fool them.

Next man up.

There is moderation. Plenty of bans. Do you not think there is?

Are you talking about forums or marriages here?

You seem to think any sort of abuse should be allowed in a marriage, especially if it’s being dished out by the Derry football manager.

Maybe you can tell me how this is acceptable
Tbh I’m surprised the moderators dont have more self-respect.


Just to let you in on how forum banter works - I posted that as a rebuttal to your constant, intelligence insulting bullshit about American politics and everything else - as a self conscious contribution to the utter farce you create with your constant linking to far right Russian and American conspiracy bullshit.

The question “have you denied raping your niece” is as 100% as legitimate as any of the far right conspiracy bollocks you spam this forum with.

Chat shit get banged.

And that’s without even mentioning how you genuinely vilified Nicola Gallagher when she put out her account of how she was beaten by her husband.

On it’s own it’s a scandalous accusation. However if it was put in context, it was a response to some stupid comment and he replied with that. @Malarkey made a similar comment. They don’t know if ye have daughters or nieces ffs. Get over yereselves.

@glenshane doesn’t take reality 1% as seriously as he takes himself.

It’s the latest in a stream of innuendo. It’s disgusting talk in any context. He knows exactly what he’s doing- constant innuendo about rape, about being around children etc, which can then be ‘put in context’. You should know better.

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It’s TFK if you haven’t been labelled a paedo at some stage then you need to up your game.

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Including cancer stricken wives of posters.

You go along with it if you want. Most people know where the line is


How do you go along with threatening to report a poster to their club about being unfit to look after kids?

You’re showing yourself up as a bit of a nasty bully here.

Obviously for these lads it depends whether you stand with the accuser or the accused.
I’ve been linked with paedophiles more than anybody here I’d say (almost certainly) and none of them ever had an issue, came to the defence of the accusers even :man_shrugging:

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Do we need to take a poll on whether calling or insinuating a poster is a pedo is fair game?! You got called it, it didn’t get called up on and so pass it on, it’s fair ammo?!

No one thinks you’re a paedo.

Maybe ask the fans of Elon Musk here first?

Admins need to step in if that’s what he did. Personally I have never posted anything on here that I wouldn’t stand over.

That’s exactly what he did, twice and he’s a track record of attempting to cause grief for posters outside this forum.

He is a bad article.