The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

I have just put in two hard day and nights work. TG for that as I have not had time to pick up the C19 thread.

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Second wind now along with fresh legs. Back on and favourable breeze :beer::wink:

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It’s passed the train to Galway. I’m about to mate the bro for a pint in kaylahans


By God.

I’ll have 3 cans of guinness, a large whiskey and pretend it’s 2020


Bizarre amount of unread posts.

Some cunt tagged everyone in there this morning and set it all off


A wokey or racist?


Centrist don’t stand a chance in this crazy world

A woke racist with a speech impediment.

A wacist.


racist wonder showzen GIF

It’s not racist.

Possibly disablist. Speaking of which Oscar Pistorius could be out soon.

Surely a thread here somewhere on that trial? Surely if we are going back over covid again, its worth going back over his trial too.

I see the far right Renua party have renamed themselves “The Centre Party”. Must have got the idea from Labane.


Yeah it was box office.

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False advertising is a prosecutable offence

Are the very falsely named still running fake competitions to get Facebook followers?

Great when ya go to a concert and they just play all the hits