The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

This is the fake account @cheasty created of me. He has done the same with other posters on here.

The guy is an utter creep but one the moderators seem happy to allow on here threatening and misrepresenting posters.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

That’s a false equivalence. I’ve had similar said about me. I give it back. I’ve never threatened or actioned a threat to do something to a person behind a profile on here. You are a sociopath and a creep who can’t see that line.

The false face of a very lonely desperate man

So you say @TheUlteriorMotive has “a love of rape”, eh?

And rape is one of Shaney’s “favourite past times”? (sic)


There was a context to that. There was a very robust debate where views were exchanged at the time on both sides. I did not take it personally.

I did not threaten the poster in a personal capacity as you did. That’s the bit you are afraid to confront, it shows everybody what a deranged and sensitive nutjob you are.

I have no problem addressing what you throw at me whereas you have to run away from the mountain of unhinged and cowardly acts you have done.

Another creep, another one note band… I dealt with that issue, clearly. The manner of my expression was clumsy and I immediately admitted that clumsiness, withdrawing the remark and physically editing it. That statement is a matter of fact. But I make no apologies for calling out asinine anti GAA sentiment that cynically harps on about ‘children standing in the rain’.

The follow up, where there was an attempt to bully me from the board, was seen off by meeting fire with fire. I have no apologies for meeting fire with fire.

I do not know what the nature of your obsession with me is. I suppose you did not like your private messages being rebuffed. Diddums. But try not to take it to heart that I have not bothered to find out what your name is.

Yeah mate the context was you said @TheUlteriorMotive “has a love of rape” and rape was one of @glenshane’s “favourite past times”.

You don’t need to explain any more than that. Explaining = losing, as they say, and by jaysus you’re losing here.

You see all you have is desperation. I’ve said things to posters here and have them said to me. I have left them at that because I’m not a nutjob like you.

When you lose the plot here you don’t just insult someone or let a few expletives go, you try and hunt down the person behind the poster, you try to damage them personally. You have a track record of doing so, you’ve a track record of pedalling lies, misrepresenting posters, a track record of tagging journalists on Twitter when you were banned and putting posts up from here to cause them bother. You’ve a track record of creating accounts trying to mimic posters so you can misrepresent them with extreme views.

You will deny and continue to desperately try and deflect with false equivalence or selective and out of context quotes. The bottom line is nothing more occurred there other than a robust exchange of views. You’re the only person deranged enough on this site not to grasp that anything that goes on personal beyond this site is unhinged.

Continue trying to avoid that topic though. We all saw what a few home truths from @TheUlteriorMotive brought out in you. He had you down to a tee in everything that you supposedly stand against is what you are and when that facade is blown open we see the nastiness you resort to.

Mate you’re such a beaten docket at this stage that I didn’t even bother reading any of that.

I’d love to know what really happened with Labane and his employers and the FBI that time


Too much of a sleekit coward. Do you ever feel ashamed at the depths you have sank to trying to destroy posters personal lives on here.

What a sad and lonely little man you are

You’re a fantasist :joy:

Says the lad who tries to call other people nutjobs when you’re the fella who has actually being sectioned.

Here we go

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Truth hurts does it? You think you’d have more cop on than to go around alleging others are the nutjobs.

There’s a very big difference between people who have serious depression and genuine lunatics with abhorrent views like you, mate.

dr strangelove top 100 movie quotes GIF


Is depression why you made rape jokes about @artfoley’s cancer stricken wife when ye had a difference of views?

Is depression why you outed posters real identities on Twitter?

Is depression why you tagged journalists trying to get the forum shut down when you got banned?

Is depression why you made threats to posters on here about informing clubs they help out with of things they said on the internet?

Is depression why you ran around Twitter creating fake accounts trying to misrepresent others?

It’s sad they way you try and use the mental health card to excuse your utterly cuntish action. There are plenty of people out there who want to get better from these issues not to use it as a free pass to be a genuinely nasty and vindictive individual like you.

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I’ve never done that.

You’re imagining things again.

You imagine a lot of things.

The rest of your post is the same rehashed word salad snorefest you presumably cook up on some bot programme.