The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Could have been worse. Could have found out from your sister that your mam was seeing a lad from galway.


Thats what she said…


She’ll have it up her hole push that giant macnas head out of her.

Should have guessed @maroonandwhite would have a big meltdown here, especially after this on Saturday.

Could have been worse you could have found out your mam was your sister.

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You couldn’t

It would be difficult to accept I know

Building nicely now so it is

Some serious hangovers being nursed

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There’ll be some meltdown if we win the thing out

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A lot of built up animosity on show. It’s not good to hold that much hate in your heart. What goes in sober comes out drunk as my father would say

2 very different personalities but both equally committed fellas.

I fancy one of them to rattle a few cages as this progresses and the other to eventually drop his dripping biscuit in his tea.

Some lads might actually explode

Some lads should carry their drink in a bottle was another good one

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Don’t back down, double down.

It’s taken a while for this RWC to get the usual suspects going but last night has really stepped things up a notch.

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I’d over 1000 unread posts in that thread but have just decided to start from last night post match :astonished:

An ideal way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon.


Tá an teocht ag ardú beagánín …