The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

What happened with you and Billy?

They’re all SERIOUS on the INTERNET

There will be a statue of him built in his wooden shed in Saskatchewan.

Left backs lads. Ffs

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Anticipation Popcorn GIF

Tremendous fun

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Its kicking off everywhere tonight

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Its been a long winter and people are snappy

Im zen kid. How you doin?

It’s unusual of a Wednesday night must be a full moon or sumit

Pretty good mate

Mushroom coffee has been a game changer


Im grand anyway. Im watching Jaime Olivier on food network and he’s definitely doing something illegal with a chicken kiev

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Ive a litre bottle of poitin here, and a few shot glasses chilling in the freezer…the weekend has to start somewhere


trainspotting GIF by MIRAMAX

What happened here…must be a glitch in the matrix

The klaxon has fcukin sounded.

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You can log out of here?


Are ye all set for the Christmas lads?


FFS mike, you’re not at work now :smile:

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If that doesn’t get a nice then this place is gone to shite