The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Simple mistake on my behalf but I’m lining up a defence team to rival oj Simpson as I type.

There’s a few ward of court cases here

More awkward squad than wards of court are the sisters


The inculaptory evidence all pointed to him being a solicitor.

even more ignored posts. the sisters must be hopping

Awkward The Simpsons GIF


FAO of the forum: @Kyle and @artfoley are around - that means you must exercise due deference to rapists and not call rapists rapists.

It’s very important to the chaps, they get awful hurt when Conor McGregor is called a rapist.

Won’t somebody please think of the rapists?!

Tough time of the year for a lot of folks

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Some lads here should do a John the baptist and fuck off and go on the honey and locusts for a few months and leave civilisation the fuck alone.


I’m not seeing any madness, then again the place is a lot more serene when you have the sisterhood of chipped plates on iggy

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What we need is a debate between Holly Cairns and Rachel Moiselle.

Must be in a thread I have muted

Rob Hennelly retiring has hit us all hard



If you’d fuck all to do, all day, every day …would you spend it spouting bile, accusing everyone and shrieking bitter semons?
If you did it in the street you’d be locked up

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Forum badly needs a WW1 style Christmas armistice game of football to break out between the warring factions.

I think a WW2 Hiroshima style event would be more fitting and effective.


Too soon. They’ll need to keep it up for another week yet.

The great thing is when it comes it’s across the board. It would only be a miserable aul cunt who doesn’t lay down the arms.

What thread lads?

@fatfooley needs to remind the forum every few days that he has a few lads on ‘iggy’:rofl::rofl:
Is it even worth it when everybody knows he’s poring and seething over the posts :man_shrugging: