You can’t say ebullient without “bully” and that’s his modus operandi.
Bullies tend to get their comeuppance in the end.
You can’t say ebullient without “bully” and that’s his modus operandi.
Bullies tend to get their comeuppance in the end.
Approaching 7
There’s a couple of feuds brewing. Hard to judge
It rarely Drops below 5 tbf
Hardly feuds. Just some lads fucking with someone with serious mental health difficulties. You’d think the bossman would ban the IP
SARS CoV-2 is driving lads demented.
There’s a nice one brewing on the virus thread
You’d pray they don’t get the virus and are confined to barracks with nothing better to do…
9 and rising
The prospect of Cheltenham being cancelled is sending some lads around the bed
I told ye yesterday twas gonna kick off
it’s fucking dead around here.
Absolutely dead. Direct me to the entertainment please.
Tis ating batshit caused all this in the first place, that and voting for the Shinners
'Tis the judgement of God
Where is all this happening? Is the corona thread? I’ve yet to open it - can I just skip to the end?
It’s not actually all that mad compared to the usual. The Great Rape Trial and The Curious Incident of the Richie Hogan in the Middle of the Day were far worse.
*I’ve been on bidness all week and am only catching up now.
11.36 and rising