The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

I want to give that a like, but I’m not gay.

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I’ve said too much

Nothing new there.

Whatever you say, say nothing

Lads are ready to go, but they just can’t find the right issue to lean in fully



Seems a few periods have started to sync. This could go any minute now.

What could really set it off is if you logged off for a few hours. Fellas wouldn’t know what to do.


Another one lining up for a blow out.

A Thursday morning and the tide is high.

Is there a full moon

I said it yesterday, lads cycles are aligning. A big weekend coming.

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Chill factor, Roberts cove

One lad has just combusted. It’s not even 11am. Some lads are not cut out for it.

You really get under his skin, its fascinating to watch.

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Well dropped tonight. Closet racists like @Lazarus and @mikehunt need to up their game

Point me in the right direction there pal. I hate to miss a good meltdown

Typical nordie. Day late and a dollar short. @Lazarus was right. You need to up your game

Tbh there was so much virtue signalling that I didn’t know who to start with. In some ways it was easier when sid was here…the lunatics gathered around him and were easier to keep tabs on.

